01.12.16, 14:31

NGO assessed highly IC investigator’s approach in a certain criminal case on domestic violence

NGO assessed highly IC investigator’s approach in a certain criminal case on domestic violence

The NGO “Women’s Support Center” sent a letter of gratitude to the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee for responsible and professional work performed by the investigator in the framework of the criminal case on domestic violence – using violence against wife by husband.

It was earlier informed that in the framework of the criminal case investigated in Lori Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee charge was pressed against husband for using violence against wife.

Through preliminary investigation sufficient evidence were obtained on the allegation that during the argument over domestic affairs the husband beat the wife and the wife called the police. The man was invited to the police station to give explanations on what had happened where he was informed of the report his wife had submitted and after leaving the police station he again used violence against his wife at the central square of Vanadzor.  

On the base of the obtained evidence charge was pressed against the resident of Vanadzor according to the Article 118 of RA Criminal Code (2 counts) and the case was sent to court.

The letter sent by the NGO particularly said;

“With this letter we express our gratitude for responsible and professional work performed by senior investigator of Lori Regional Investigative Department Hrach Poghosyan in the framework of the criminal case N 19107416.

In the framework of the mentioned criminal case investigator H. Poghosyan not only conducted the objective and impartial investigation properly, but also, realizing the danger of double violence against the person subjected to domestic violence – the affected in the mentioned criminal case and the minor child in her charge, expressed his willingness to unconditionally support the affected, particularly for security reasons, he organized the latter’s interrogation providing all safety rules”.