08.12.22, 10:34

Suicide Attempt as a Result of Domestic Violence; Charge Pressed against 25 year-old Woman’s Husband and the Latter’s Mother

Suicide Attempt as a Result of Domestic Violence; Charge Pressed against 25 year-old Woman’s Husband and the Latter’s Mother

In the result of investigative and procedural actions conducted within the criminal proceeding investigated in Sevan Investigative Division of Gegharkunik Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee circumstances of causing 25 year-old resident of Gegharkunik province to commit suicide attempt were found out.

Through investigation of the criminal proceeding initialed on November 21, 2022 according to the Point 3 of the Part 2 of the Article 162 of RA Criminal Code it was found out that 25 year-old woman has been in de facto marital relationship with 27 year-old resident of Sevan town for about three years. During cohabitation the latter, showing a cynical attitude towards the dignity and mental state of the wife, regularly beat her, scolded her and her relatives.

On November 21, 2022 27 year-old man once again hit his wife, insulted her dignity and threatened. Because of repeated cruel and degrading treatment shown by her husband, being in hard mental state, being unable to bear the current situation, in order to get rid of similar treatment shown by her husband, not even considering the child in her care, on the same day at about 21:00 25 year-old woman went to the 62d km of Yerevan-Sevan-Ijevan road and threw herself from the pedestrian overpass in order to commit suicide and received bodily injuries.

During preliminary investigation it was also found out that while 27 year-old man was regularly beating his 25 year-old wife, scolding her relatives, realizing that her son’s actions were causing physical and mental sufferance to 25 year-old woman, instead of chiding her son, the latter’s mother considered that circumstance as normal encouraging the use of violence by her son thus showing cruel and degrading attitude.

On the base of the initiated public criminal prosecution charge was pressed against 27 year-old man and his mother according to the Point 3 of the Part 2 of the Article 162 of RA Criminal Code. Absence ban was used as a pretrial measure against them.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.