23.11.15, 08:37

The Investigative Committee of the Republic of Armenia and telephony operators signed a memorandum on cooperation

The Investigative Committee of the Republic of Armenia and telephony operators signed a memorandum on cooperation

On November 23 the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Armenia and the mobile and fixed telephony operators in the republic signed a Memorandum of Understanding on organizing the internet access services, document circulation of persons’ data and call decryptions in an electronic format.

The document is to raise the efficiency of the process of providing the investigative body with court decisions on conduction of decryptions of electronic communication services used by different persons in the framework of criminal cases. The operators had previously provided the decryptions on the base of court decisions, however because of absence of definite procedures it took a month or more for the necessary information to get to the investigative body, particularly when delivered by post, thus causing delay of preliminary investigation deadlines.

With a view to organizing the provision of persons’ data, the decryption of electronic communication services used by them in an operative and efficient way, the parties agreed to introduce more productive mechanisms via electronic procedure.

The RA Investigative Committee and operators confirmed their commitment to conduct joint measures to receive, transmit the decryptions operatively, to develop cooperation in introduction of technical possibilities.

For this purpose, the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Armenia will provide the transmission of court decisions with accompanying letters confirmed by electronic signature introduced and served by “Ekeng” CJSC to communication operators.

“Ucom”  LLC, “Gh-Telekom” CJSC, “Orange Armenia” CJSC will provide the electronic transmission of decryptions to the First Division of the Administration of the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Armenia in a short term. The court decisions received with accompanying letters with “Urgent” stamp will be carried out first. For security reasons, access to the program will be given to one person through one computer. “ArmenTel” CJSC also has taken part in the development of the program and will join the memorandum in the coming days.

The program was pretested in Shirak region and on the base of the summery of its results it can be stated that in case of introduction of the electronic program the decryptions based on the court decisions are received from the operators quite operatively - in 1-4 days which gives opportunity to check the propounded hypotheses avoiding unnecessary delays.