Newsfeed from General Military Investigative Department
30.12.16, 10:54

Through inspection of site at one of combat bases of RA Armed Forces a body in uniform of Azerbaijani Armed Forces found

Through inspection of site at one of combat bases of RA Armed Forces a body in uniform of Azerbaijani Armed Forces found

In the framework of the criminal case investigated in the proceeding of the RA Investigative Committee on unleashing aggressive war by Azerbaijani Armed Forces active investigatory actions are conducted to find all circumstances of invading the territory of the Republic of Armenia and launching military actions by Azerbaijani Armed Forces, attacking the staff of combat base “N” under protection of military unit N of RA Ministry of Defense.

Through inspection of the site a body in a uniform of Azerbaijani Armed Forces was found at one of the combat bases of RA Armed Forces which is identified.

It was earlier informed that violating norms of international law directed to peaceful existence of states and peoples, with the purpose of occupying the combat bases of the RA armed forces guarding the part of the state border at the south-east from Chinar village, on the early morning of December 29, 2016 subdivisions of Azerbaijan’s armed forces breaching the territorial integrity of the Republic of Armenia, conducting an “act of aggression” against the Republic of Armenia invaded the RA territory, launching military actions, unleashing aggressive war they attacked the staff of the combat base “N” under protection of military unit N of the RA Ministry of Defense.

Out of national and religious hatred the servicemen of the same unit senior lieutenant Shavarsh Meliqyan, soldiers Erik Abovyan and Edgar Naroyan were killed by Azerbaijani armed forces after which facing the resistance of the combat base and subdivisions, which had come to the rescue, Azerbaijani armed forces retreated.

A criminal case was initiated in the Sixth Garrison Investigative Unit of General Military Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee according to the Part 2 of the Article 384 and the Points 1, 7 and 13 of the Part 2 of the Article 104 of RA Criminal Code. Preliminary investigation is conducted.