02.07.19, 06:45

Within Criminal Case on Abuses Found in “Art School after Charles Aznavour” Charge Pressed against Headmaster and Accountant

Within Criminal Case on Abuses Found in “Art School after Charles Aznavour” Charge Pressed against Headmaster and Accountant

Preliminary investigation of the criminal case initiated on abuses committed in “Art School after Charles Aznavour” was completed in Armavir Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee. Charge was pressed against the headmaster and accountant of school.

In the result of investigatory actions conducted within the criminal case investigated in the RA IC Armavir Regional Investigative Department actual data were obtained on the allegation that the school headmaster, being an official, abusing her official position, squandered money in particularly large amount and committed official forgery.  

Particularly, pursuant to investigation data, the headmaster registered her son in “Art School after Charles Aznavour” as a conductor. However, being aware that her son did not attend work she did not register the mentioned fact and from February 1, 2011 to August 7, 2018 each month formed the work time bulletin, signed and sealed it involving obviously false information about her son’s actual working period.  

Then she handed the mentioned false documents to the accountant and instructed to calculate salaries of all the employees, including her son.

As a result, the accountant calculated salary in the name of headmaster’s son for each month of the mentioned period and from February 1, 2011 to August 7, 2018 the headmaster, personally receiving the money in particularly large amount - 5.392.697 AMD payable from the salary of 7.202.434 AMD in total calculated in her son’s name, squandered it.

On the base of sufficient evidence obtained during pretrial proceeding charge was pressed against the school headmaster according to the Point 1 of the Part 3 of the Article 179 and the Part 1 of the Article 314 of RA Criminal Code. Charge was pressed against the accountant according to the Point 1 of the Part 3 of the Article 38-179 and the Part 1 of the Article 38-314 of RA Criminal Code. Signature not to leave was chosen as a pretrial measure against them.

Preliminary investigation was completed and the criminal case with the bill of indictment was sent to prosecutor supervising the legality of preliminary investigation.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.