18.02.20, 09:05

Information about Persons Prosecuted within Criminal Cases on Corruption Related Crimes Investigated in 2019 in RA Investigative Committee

Information about Persons Prosecuted within Criminal Cases on Corruption Related Crimes Investigated in 2019 in RA Investigative Committee

Within criminal cases on corruption related crimes investigated in 2019 in the RA Investigative Committee 1043 persons were prosecuted. 44 of the mentioned persons were arrested, 27 were released from arrest.

848 persons were involved as a defendant. Charge was pressed against 792 persons.

Motions were submitted to court to use detention as a pretrial measure against 52 persons 9 of which were rejected, 43 were sufficed, mortgage was used against 28.

Office of 29 defendants has been terminated.

7 defendants were released from custody 4 of which – by prosecutor, 3 – by court.

Prosecution against 101 persons was terminated on acquittal base and against 259 persons – on non-acquittal base.

Decision on terminating criminal prosecution against 1 person was abolished by the prosecutor. No decision on terminating criminal prosecution was abolished by the court.

286 persons were sued 4 of which were under custody.

No motion on using coercive medical measures was submitted.

Within incomplete criminal cases 394 persons were prosecuted 6 of which were under custody.