    26.12.18, 08:37

    20 Year-Old Young Man Arrested on Suspicion of Stabbing 24 Year-Old Resident of Armavir

    20 Year-Old Young Man Arrested on Suspicion of Stabbing 24 Year-Old Resident of Armavir

    In the result of urgent investigatory actions conducted within the criminal case investigated in the Investigative Division of Davtashen and Ajapnyak administrative districts of Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee a number of circumstances of stabbing 24 year-old resident of Armavir in Yerevan were found out, the person having committed the alleged crime was identified. One person was arrested.

    On December 22, 2018 a call was received from Mashtots Division of the RA Police informing that on the same day at 16:25 a resident of Armavir, born in 1994, with “cut-pierced injury on the left part of the chest and cut-pierced injury on the left lumber region” was taken to “Armenia” medical center by ambulance from the yard of one of the houses on Abelyan Street, Yerevan.

    A criminal case was initiated in the Investigative Division of Ajapnyak and Davtashen administrative districts of Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee according to the Part 1 of the Article 112 of RA Criminal Code. 24 year-old young man was found the injured party.

    In the result of urgent investigatory and other procedural measures a number of circumstances – the scene, the motive were found out, the person having committed the alleged crime was identified; he is a resident of Yerevan, born in 1998.

    Through preliminary investigation data were obtained on the allegation that on the day of the incident 24 year-old resident of Armavir and 20 year-old resident of Yerevan argued over personal matters near the garages located behind one of the schools of Ajapnyak. During the argument the latter stabbed the resident of Armavir with a kitchen knife he had with him causing bodily injuries.

    In the result of investigatory and operative-intelligence measures on December 24, 2018 at 09:50 20 year-old resident was found and brought to the investigative body. On the same day he was arrested on suspicion of committing the alleged crime and questioned.

    Inspection of the scene with his participation was conducted during which the young man pointed out the place of the kitchen knife which was the crime tool. The knife was found and confiscated.

    The clothes the young men were wearing at the moment of the incident were also confiscated, inspection of register-book of “Armenia” medical center was conducted.

    Forensic medical examination was commissioned to find out circumstances significant for the criminal case.

    Preliminary investigation is ongoing. Necessary investigatory and other procedural actions are conducted to provide the comprehensive, complete and objective investigation of the case.

    Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.