13.05.16, 16:06

23 year-old man charged with willful murder

23 year-old man charged with willful murder

In the framework of the criminal case investigated in Lori Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee charge was pressed against the man born in 1993 for murdering a woman born in 1960.   

On the morning of May 10, 2016 at about 02:00 a call was received informing that a house in the village of Shnogh, Lori region was on fire. The investigatory-operative group left for the site. It was found that the bedroom of the 56 year-old resident of the same village had been burnt where the half-burnt body of the hostess was found.  

In the result of urgent investigatory actions it was found that the woman’s distant relative (born in 1993) who was drunk visited her on the day of the incident. According to initial data the young man offered the woman to have sexual intercourse, however being refused he used violence against her and killed. According to the obtained evidence the young man closed the woman’s mouth with a sticky tape, tied her hands and closing her respiratory tracts with a towel and suffocated her.

After the woman had been dead an attempt to burn the house through burning the beds of two rooms of the house was made but under unforeseen circumstances the crime was not completed, the body and beds of the victim were not completely burnt.

On the base of the obtained evidence on May 12 charge was pressed against the 23 year-old man according to the Part 1 of the Article 104 (murder) and the Point 1 of the Part 2 of the Article 34-185 of RA Criminal Code (attempt of willful destruction of somebody’s property by arson). On the same day the investigator submitted a motion to the court to use detention as a pretrial measure against him. The motion was sufficed.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing. Forensic examinations were commissioned to find a number of circumstances significant for the criminal case.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.