15.02.21, 17:02

35 year-old Resident of Hatsik Village Arrested on Suspicion of Using Violence against Policemen

35 year-old Resident of Hatsik Village Arrested on Suspicion of Using Violence against Policemen

In the result of investigative and procedural actions conducted within the criminal case on using violence against police officers investigated in Shirak Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee a number of circumstances were found out, the person having committed the alleged crime was identified.

On February 14, 2021 at about 21:30 the police officers of Mush Police Division carrying out their service duties noticed two young men talking loudly with each other at the area adjoining the restaurant in P. Sevak Street in Gyumri. The policemen approached them, introduced themselves and demanded not to violate the public order.

In response to policemen’s legal demands one of the young men started to pull the policeman’s clothes, hit him and the other policeman who had intervened.

A criminal case was initiated in Shirak Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee according to the Part 1 of the Article 316 (violence against a representative of authorities) of RA Criminal Code.

In the result of taken measures it was found out that the mentioned young man was a resident of Hatsik village of Shirak province, born in 1985. The latter turned himself and was arrested on suspicion of using violence against policemen.

During preliminary investigation investigative and other procedural actions were conducted, the policemen were found the injured party.

Necessary measures are taken to provide the comprehensive, complete and objective investigation of circumstances of the case.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.