17.08.20, 13:47

395 Criminal Cases on Domestic Violence Investigated in Proceeding of RA Investigative Committee in First Term of 2020

395 Criminal Cases on Domestic Violence Investigated in Proceeding of RA Investigative Committee in First Term of 2020

In the first term of 2020 395 criminal cases on domestic violence were investigated, 211 materials were prepared in the proceeding of the RA Investigative Committee.

Out of 395 criminal cases

6 were initiated according to the Article 104 of RA Criminal Code (murder),

2 – according to the Article 109 of RA Criminal Code (causing death by negligence),

6 - according to the Article 110 of RA Criminal Code (causing somebody to commit suicide),

16 - according to the Article 112 of RA Criminal Code (infliction of willful heavy damage to health),

5 – according to the Article 113 of RA Criminal Code (infliction of willful medium-gravity damage to health),

21 - according to the Article 117 of RA Criminal Code (infliction infliction of willful light damage to health),

209 – according to the Article 118 of RA Criminal Code (battery),

4 – according to the Article 119 of RA Criminal Code (causing strong pain or mental sufferance),

1 - according to the Article 120 of RA Criminal Code (inflicting grave damage through negligence),

2 - according to the Article 131 of RA Criminal Code (kidnapping),

2 – according to the Article 133 of RA Criminal Code (illegal deprivation of freedom),

45 – according to the Article 137 of RA Criminal Code (threat to murder, to inflict heavy damage to one’s health or to destroy property),

2 – according to the Article 138 of RA Criminal Code (rape),

4 – according to the Article 139 of RA Criminal Code (violent sexual actions),

1 – according to the Article 140 of RA Criminal Code (forced violent sexual acts),

8 – according to the Article 141 of RA Criminal Code (sexual acts with a person under 16),

4 – according to the Article 142 of RA Criminal Code (lecherous acts),

2 – according to the Article 144 of RA Criminal Code (illegal collecting, keeping, use and dissemination of information pertaining to personal or family life),

1 - according to the Article 167 of RA Criminal Code (illegal separation of the child from the parents or substitution of the child),

8 - according to the Article 167.1 of RA Criminal Code (preventing a parent or other close relative from having a child visit),

4 – according to the Article 168 of RA Criminal Code (sale or purchase of child for the purpose of taking up care),

5 – according to the Article 169.1 of RA Criminal Code (reporting false information to Civil Status Act Registration Bodies),

2 – according to the Article 170 of RA Criminal Code (failure to fulfill or improperly fulfill the duty of raising a child),

8 – according to the Article 173 of RA Criminal Code (willful evasion from supporting one’s child by the parent),

3 – according to the Article 185 of RA Criminal Code (willful destruction or spoilage of property),

1 – according to the Article 186 of RA Criminal Code (destruction or damage inflicted to property by negligence),

9 – according to the Article 353.1 of RA Criminal Code (willful failure to carry out an effective court sentence) and 14 – according to other articles of RA Criminal Code.

Within the above mentioned criminal cases there were 196 defendants 1 of which was from 14 to 18 years old, 66 – from 18 to 35, 129 – over 35 years old.

6 of the crimes were committed by mother, 26 – by father, 1 – by step father, 12 – by brother/sister, 1 – by grandmother/grandfather, 21 – by son/ daughter (including adopted one), 6 – by wife, 115 – by husband, 1 – by grandchild, 3 – by husband’s parents, 6 – by daughter-in-law/son-in-law.

Within the criminal cases 333 people were found the affected party 37 of which were up to 12 years old, 9 – from 12 to 14, 11 – from 14 to 16, 3 – from 16 to 18, 124 – from 18 to 35, 149 – over 35 years old.

Preliminary investigation of 208 out of 395 criminal cases was completed, 62 criminal cases with the bill of indictment were sent to court.

Proceeding of 143 criminal cases was terminated; 51 – on acquittal, 92 – on non-acquittal base. Proceeding of 11 criminal cases was suspended.

141 criminal cases including the ones passed from the first term of 2020 are incomplete.