    29.04.20, 10:29

    As of this Moment 5 Persons Arrested within Criminal Case on Armed Incident in Gavar

    As of this Moment 5 Persons Arrested within Criminal Case on Armed Incident in Gavar

    Criminal cases initiated on murder of two persons and infliction of firearm bodily injuries to four persons in Gavar, as well as mass disorder accompanied with violence and destruction of property by a group of people were received in the proceeding of General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA Investigative Committee which were combined in one proceeding.

    On April 28, 2020 at about 17:00 in Azatutyun Street of Gavar – at the busy part of the road the person (persons) having committed the alleged crime in a way dangerous for many people’s life fired shots towards the residents of Noratus community Vahe Avetisyan, Hrachya Hakobyan, Armen Sargsyan, Artyom Petrosyan and Sasun Meloyan, the residents of Gavar Zohrab Paronikyan, Armen Haytyan and Vardan Davoyan. V. Avetisyan and Z. Paronikyan died at the scene of injuries incompatible with life, others with bodily injuries were taken to «Gavar Medical Center» CJSC.

    On April 28, 2020 a criminal case was initiated in Gegharkunik Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee according to the Point 6 of the Part 2 of the Article 104 (murder) and the Part 1 of the Article 235 (illegal procurement, transportation or carrying of weapons, ammunition, explosives or explosive devices) of RA Criminal Code.

    On April 28, 2020 a call was received in Gavar Division of the RA Police from «Gavar Medical Center» CJSC informing that a group of people attacked Gavar hospital, broke the window glasses and property, stabbed Davit Haytyan causing cut-pierced injuries and hematic shock of severe degree.

    It was also found out that the relatives and friends of Z. Paronikyan and V. Avetisyan, learning that the latters had died, thinking that their relatives' murder had been committed by A. Haytyan, D. Haytyan and V. Davoyan, who were in hospital, attacked them with cutting-piercing items and attempted to murder them. However, under unforeseen circumstances – because of the intervention of the Police they could not complete the crime and fled.

    On April 28, 2020 criminal cases were initiated in Gegharkunik Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee according to the Points 1 and 7 of the Part 2 of the Article 34-104 (murder attempt) and the Part 1 of the Article 185 (willful destruction or spoilage of property) of RA Criminal Code.

    Besides, on April 28, 2020 at about 17:00 during the shooting which caused the death of the resident of Gavar Z. Paronikyan and the resident of Noratus village V. Avetisyan, the residents of Noratus village H. Hakobyan, A. Petrosyan, A. Sargsyan, S. Meloyan, A. Haytyan and V. Davoyan also sustained bodily injuries.

    V. Avetisyan and Z. Paronikyan's relatives and friends – numerous people, thinking that their murder had been committed by A. Haytyan and V. Davoyan, who were in hospital, using violence against the police officers carrying out their service there, entered the hospital breaking the entrance doors, as well as the hospital property.

    On April 28, 2020 a criminal case was initiated in Gegharkunik Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee according to the Part 2 of the Article 225 (mass disorder) of RA Criminal Code.

    On April 28, 2020 a decision was made to combine the criminal cases in one proceeding.

    By the instruction of the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee the conduction of preliminary investigation of the criminal case was assigned to the investigatory group formed of investigators of the RA IC General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases and Gegharkunik Regional Investigative Department.

    An investigatory plan has been worked out, urgent numerous investigatory actions have been and are being conducted, a number of forensic examinations have been commissioned to find out circumstances significant for the criminal case.

    As of this moment, 5 persons were arrested on suspicion of being involved in mass disorder.

    Preliminary investigation is ongoing. Necessary investigatory actions are conducted, operative-intelligence measures are taken to find out all circumstances of the case, the frame of those having committed the alleged crime, to identify them, to personalize their actions and to give appropriate criminal legal assessment.

    Additional information about the procedural decisions made on the base of the obtained evidence will be provided.

    Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.