10.12.23, 19:04

Case of Large-Scale Online Illegal Turnover of Narcotic Drugs and for this Purpose, Launching a Separate Process Management System, Money Laundering, Committed by Spouses, Disclosed; Charge Pressed against Them (photos)

Case of Large-Scale Online Illegal Turnover of Narcotic Drugs and for this Purpose, Launching a Separate Process Management System, Money Laundering, Committed by Spouses, Disclosed; Charge Pressed against Them (photos)

Within the framework of the criminal proceeding investigated in the Department of Investigation of Crimes on Human Trafficking, against Sexual Immunity of Juveniles and Illegal Turnover of Drugs of General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA Investigative Committee public criminal prosecution was initiated against M.S., born in 1989 and A.H., born in 1997, who are in a de facto marital relationship, according to the Point 2 of the Part 3 of the Article 393 and the Part 1 of the Article 264 of RA Criminal Code. They were arrested and motions were submitted to court to use detention as a pretrial measure against them. Detention was chosen as a pretrial measure against one of the defendants, home detention was chosen as a pretrial measure against the other.

In the course of the preliminary investigation searches were conducted at the actual residential address of the defendants, as well as in the cars used by them. As a result, narcotic drug of «Marijuana» type separated in 25 packages, scales, other various items planned for sale of narcotic drugs, notebooks containing handwritten notes, cheques, as well as over 40 various tablets, laptops and mobile phones were confiscated.

In the result of large-scale procedural actions conducted in the course of preliminary investigation it was found out that in 2020-2023 the spouses had been engaged in sale of narcotic drugs in particularly large amount on «Telegram» communication application for which they created a platform named «Market» and managed it. They managed the platform personally, as well as through telegram users acting as administrators. In order to give a more systematic character to the criminal activity, even a "statute" of the page's activity was adopted and approved, and in order to resolve disagreements between the operating pages and buyers, persons with the status of "arbitrator" were included in the platform, who were given an opportunity to study the disputes and make decisions.

For committing illegal turnover of narcotic drugs through the platform, shopping platforms named «Poletta’s mushrooms» with the link @polettayisnker_operator, «» with the link @Weed_am, «WeedLife» with the link «@Weed_life420, «Green» with the link @KanachiYVN, as well as with about 59 other names and links were created on «Telegram» application through mobile phone numbers served by Russian, American, Vietnamese, Indonesian and Pakistani mobile operators and managed by the spouses.

All of the above-mentioned platforms were managed using more than 20 tablets with corporate logos, confiscated from the defendants during the search.

Data also were received that the latters received the money as a result of the sale of narcotic drugs, on crypto currency wallets managed and regularly changed by them. Then converting it into AMD they transferred it to the wallets in payment accounting systems operating in the RA territory, opened in their names or in the names of the persons related to them.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing. Measures are taken to find out the whole volume of illegal turnover of narcotic drugs, money received as a result of it and money laundering.

The pages of all the above-mentioned shopping platforms and the information regarding the actions and correspondence conducted with them are under the full control and visibility of the RA Investigative Committee.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.