11.04.24, 17:16

29 year-old Man Participated in Criminal Organization Engaged in Illegal Sale of Narcotic Drugs through Telegram Stores and Committed Money Laundering in the Amount of more than 43 Mln AMD; Preliminary Investigation Ongoing

29 year-old Man Participated in Criminal Organization Engaged in Illegal Sale of Narcotic Drugs through Telegram Stores and Committed Money Laundering in the Amount of more than 43 Mln AMD; Preliminary Investigation Ongoing

In the result of large-scale investigative and procedural actions conducted in the Department of Investigation of Crimes on Human Trafficking, against Sexual Immunity of Juveniles and Illegal Turnover of Drugs of General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA Investigative Committee circumstances of participating in the criminal organization created in 2019 and still in operation, engaged in illegal sale of narcotic drugs in particularly large amount and money laundering in particularly large amount, by 29 year-old resident of Yerevan, were found out.

Through investigation it was found out that in January, 2023 29 year-old young man, noticing the platform «Kanachu Shuka» on Telegram app, where about 50 stores engaged in narcotic sale were registered, got in touch with the Telegram user managing the mentioned platform expressing a desire to obtain an operating store on the mentioned platform and illegally sell narcotic drugs. The user managing the platform «Kanachu Shuka» told the young man that in order to obtain a store-platform it was necessary to pay 10.000 USD through "dashcoin" crypto currency. After the mentioned requirement had been fulfilled, the latter sent a phone number, internet number and a password to the young man through which he got an opportunity to enter the platform «Pablito» for selling narcotic drugs on Telegram.

29 year-old young man, pursuant to the agreement obtained with the user managing the above-mentioned telegram platform, got involved in the criminal organization and through the page obtained by him, received information on the location of the drug hiding places which he transferred to 3 drug dealers registered under different pseudonyms on Telegram app, acting on his instructions.

They took the drugs, pursuant to the instructions, placed them in hiding places in different parts of Yerevan and sent the coordinates of the placed packages to 29 year-old young man. The latter sold them to numerous people. In the mentioned way between January and April, 2023 narcotic drug of «Marijuana» type in particularly large amount, worth about 13.000 USD was sold by 29 year-old man, the next batch of which in 9 packages placed in different places of Yerevan, was found on April 28, 2023 through inspection of the scene conducted with participation of the young man.

Besides, in autumn, 2023, the latter ensured that particularly large quantities of narcotics were separated by weight, were packed, transported and placed in hiding places located in Yerevan. These locations were photographed, the geographical coordinates of their locations were indicated through a software application and sent to the young man after which these data were transferred to those who had expressed a desire to procure narcotic drugs through the mentioned telegram stores and had agreed about the terms, who, based on it, procured narcotic drugs.  

It was also found out that as a result of the sale of narcotic drugs through some stores operated under the name of «Kanachu Shuka» on Telegram by 29 year-old young man, huge financial resources were generated. In order to hide the criminal origin of 10702920 USD in total, tantamount to 4329644137 AMD, to disguise the movement of funds received in a criminal way, to make those funds look legitimate, the young man provided the people, who wanted to buy drugs, with the information of various crypto-currency wallets that changed regularly to transfer the money. Then the funds received in the mentioned wallets were transferred to the crypto currency wallet registered in the name of 29-year-old young man in the "Binance" system, after which, as a result of being transferred to other crypto currency wallets and various conversions and cashouts, it was brought into the field of legal circulation and used by the latter, that is, money laundering was committed.

On the base of the obtained sufficient facts charge was pressed against 29 year-old young man according to the Part 1 of the Article 319, the Points 1, 2 of the Part 3 of the Article 393, the Point 2 of the Part 3 of the Article 393 and the Point 3 of the Part 3 of the Article 296 of RA Criminal Code. Detention was used as a pretrial measure against him.

The part on the latter was separated in a separate proceeding, preliminary investigation was completed and the materials of the criminal proceeding with the bill of indictment were sent to the prosecutor for approval and referral to court.

Preliminary investigation to find the leader and other members of the criminal organization engaged in illegal sale of narcotic drugs in particularly large amount and money laundering in particularly large amount, to give legal assessment to their actions, is ongoing.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.