    10.04.19, 15:52

    Chairman of Investigative Committee Hayk Grigoryan Pay Working Visit to Lori Province (photos)

    Chairman of Investigative Committee Hayk Grigoryan Pay Working Visit to Lori Province (photos)

    The Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Hayk Grigoryan paid a working visit to Lori province to sum up the work done by the regional investigative department in 2018 and in the first quarter of 2019.

    Head of Lori Regional Investigative Department Anna Mantashyan reported about the work done by the department in the observed period.

    In the mentioned period there were 1200 criminal cases in the proceeding of Lori Regional Investigative Department and its subdivisions which was 4.67% of criminal cases investigated in the proceeding of the Investigative Committee.

    Preliminary investigation of 247 criminal cases was completed within 2 months’ term /as compared with 149 criminal cases in the same period of the previous year/, preliminary investigation of 117 criminal cases was completed from 2 to 4 months’ term /as compared with 70 criminal cases in the same period of the previous year/, preliminary investigation of 50 criminal cases was completed from 4 to 6 months’ term /as compared with 44 criminal cases in the same period of the previous year/.

    The Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee discussed the process of initiated criminal cases sphere by sphere. He gave specific instructions to organize it in a more efficient way, as well as to correct mistakes made by investigators during inspection of the scene.

    IC Chairman particularly touched upon the criminal cases initiated on theft committed from apartments and gave instructions on disclosure of recorded cases.

    During the working visit IC Chairman attached importance to improvement of theoretical knowledge of the staff emphasizing that if the investigator does not have theoretical knowledge of proper level his efficient coefficient cannot be high. “Theoretical knowledge should be of proper level otherwise we will take rough steps. We must constantly improve ourselves and must not be satisfied with what we have achieved. The investigator’s duty is to disclose the objective reality”, said Hayk Grigoryan.

    IC Chairman emphasized that each employee of the Investigative Committee should inspire respect with his behavior to residents of the province. «I am standing by each of you. We are all investigators but in different positions. Each of us should keep the investigator's authority on a high level and this must be displayed first of all by proper behavior while communicating with citizens», said Hayk Grigoryan.

    IC Chairman gave an excellent assessment to the work done by Lori Regional Investigative Department and instructed the department head to present the employees, who have best indices during the service, for encouragement.