Summary of Work Done in Investigative Committee and Subdivisions in First Term of 2019

Main indices of work done in the Investigative Committee and subdivisions in the first term of 2019 were summed up in the RA Investigative Committee.
In the observed period the bodies and subdivisions conducting pretrial proceeding have worked with significant overload. The fact that 18.973 criminal cases out of 20.361 or about 93.2% of cases investigated in the proceeding of investigatory bodies empowered to conduct pretrial proceeding in the Republic of Armenia have been investigated in the proceeding of the Investigative Committee, testifies about the weighty role of the Committee in preliminary investigation of crimes.
Out of the mentioned cases
- 9.090 or 47.9% were investigated in Yerevan Investigative Department and Investigative Divisions of administrative districts,
- 6.545 or 34.5% - in regional investigative departments,
- 3.064 or 16.1% - in subdivisions of General Military Investigative Department
The number of criminal cases investigated in the same period has increased by 6.351 cases or 50.3% as compared with the first term of 2018 and by 8.447 cases or 80.2% as compared with 2017.
In the first term of 2019 94.6% of 20.057 criminal cases investigated in 2017 has already been investigated, as compared with 2018 – 73.9 % has been investigated.
The workload of one investigator has increased by 12.1 cases and now is 40.5 which means that on average one investigator has received 7 criminal cases in his proceeding each month.
It should be mentioned that while the cases in the observed period have increased by 6.351 the cases passed to the second term of 2019 have not increased proportionally. The difference of passed cases has grown and is only 2.051 cases; that is three times less which means that intensity of investigation has not decreased.
Preliminary investigation of 6.518 criminal cases or 34.4% was completed (4.214 or 33.4%– in 2018) that is the specific weight of completed criminal cases has increased by 1% in percentage as well as by 2.304 in absolute numbers.
410 persons were arrested by investigators, in 2018 – 430 persons. 646 motions to use detention as a pretrial measure were submitted to court 188 of which were on persons involved as a defendant according to the Article 327 of RA Criminal Code (548 – in 2018).
Without those involved as a defendant according to the Article 327 of RA Criminal Code the number of motions within other cases is 458 (372 – in 2018).
Significant decrease of the number of motions on detention is conditioned by using other pretrial measure against defendants hiding from investigation within criminal cases initiated on the Article 327 of RA Criminal Code and the increase of motions within other criminal cases is conditioned by tightening policy particularly within criminal cases on corruption-related crimes.
61 criminal cases were investigated on murder and murder attempt. 30 of the cases were committed in the first term of 2019 (18 murder, 12 murder attempt), 15 murder cases and 11 cases on murder attempt were disclosed, 3 murder cases and 1 case on murder attempt have not been disclosed (in 2018 – 22 16 of which murder, 6 – murder attempt, 1 murder and 1 murder attempt have not been disclosed).
Pretrial proceeding of 11 cases on death related to service in Armed Forces was conducted by investigators of General Military Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee 2 of which were on murder committed by the enemy (in 2018 – 5), 3 – on murder (in 2018 – 1), 3 – on suicide (in 2018 – 6), 1 – on car crash (in 2018 – 1), 1 – on accident (in 2018 – 1), 1 – on cases caused by diseases (in 2018 – 1).
171 defendants within criminal cases on evasion from regular military service were drafted to army.
1016 criminal cases on corruption-related crimes were investigated in subdivisions of the Investigative Committee. Within the criminal cases charge was pressed against 474 persons. 134 persons were sued. 401 officials were prosecuted within 1016 criminal cases.
During pretrial proceeding it was found out that the pecuniary damage caused to the state by crime within completed cases was 1.708.228.085 AMD (in 2018 - 673.668.341 AMD) 819.804.715 AMD of which has been recovered (in 2018 - 426.593.144 AMD), besides the defendants' property cost 298.486.450 AMD has been seized (in 2018-27.658.000 AMD).
As we see, the amount of the recovered damage caused to the state and the cost of seized property have significantly increased as compared with the previous year.
The picture of the money paid to the deposit account of the Investigative Committee as recovery of the damage caused to the state and the money available is as following;
As of 01.06.2018 - 191.647.374,8 AMD,
As of 01.01.2019 -,6 AMD,
As of 01.06.2019 - 1.816.308.260,5 AMD,
As of 01.08.2019 - 1.960.722.763 AMD.