    07.05.19, 09:57

    Information about Main Indices of Work Done in Investigative Committee and its Subdivisions in First Quarter of 2019

    Information about Main Indices of Work Done in Investigative Committee and its Subdivisions in First Quarter of 2019

    Main indices of the work done in the Investigative Committee and its subdivisions in the first quarter of 2019 were summed up in the RA Investigative Committee.

    In the observed period the subdivisions of the Committee worked with a considerable workload. The evidence that the Committee has a significant role in the sphere of pretrial investigation of crimes is that in the first quarter of 2019

    • according to data of information center of the RA Police 10.879 or 92.4% of the criminal cases investigated in the proceeding of investigative bodies which have the authority to conduct preliminary investigation were investigated in the proceeding of the Investigative Committee.

    • as compared with 2018 the number of criminal cases has grown with 3.251 or 42,6 %. The growth of criminal cases is conditioned by growth of cases passed from the previous year – 2.214 and in the first quarter of 2019 1.037 more criminal cases were received in the proceeding than in the same period of the previous year.

    These two comparisons will present the volume of growth more obviously

    1. In the first quarter of 2018 3.109 criminal cases were investigated in Yerevan Investigative Department and eight investigative divisions of administrative districts, 2.429 criminal cases were investigated in all ten regional investigative departments, 1.976 criminal cases – in all subdivisions of General Military Investigative Department; that is the growth is so big that it exceeds the number of cases investigated in the proceeding of each unit in the same period of the previous year.

    2. In the first term of 2017 10.526 criminal cases were investigated and in the first term of 2018 - 12.622 cases; that is in the first quarter of 2019 353 more cases were investigated as compared with the first term of 2017 and 2.096 fewer cases were investigated as compared with the first term of 2018.

    • within 4776 criminal cases passed to 2019 1001 forensic examinations were commissioned in 4 expert institutions operating in the Republic of Armenia the results of 635 have not been received yet.

    • the workload of one investigator has grown with 6.2 cases and made 23.1; that is as compared with the previous year each investigator received 2 more cases in proceeding monthly.

    • the number of cases in the observed period has grown with 3.251 while the number of cases passed to the second quarter of 2019 has not grown proportionally, moreover it has decreased and the number difference of criminal cases having passed is 1.648.

    • preliminary investigation of 2.243 criminal cases or 20.6% was completed (1.646 or 21.5% in 2018); that is the specific weight of completed criminal cases with percentage ratio has decreased with 0.9% but in absolute numbers it has grown with 597.

    • according to solved cases productivity is 5.182 or 47,6 % (3.579 or 46.9% - in 2018); that is the specific weight of solved cases has grown both by percentage ratio – 0.7% and absolute numbers – 1.603.

    • as of 29.04.2019 6.464 criminal cases are investigated in all subdivisions of the Investigative Committee.

    • the number of criminal cases returned for additional investigation has decreased with 7 and made 22 which testifies about the enhancement of investigation quality.

    • 240 persons were arrested by investigators.

    • 263 motions to use detention as a pretrial measure were submitted to courts 21 of which were on persons involved as a defendant according to the Article 327 of RA Criminal Code. 231 motions were sufficed 21 of which were on persons involved as a defendant according to the Article 327 of RA Criminal Code.

     • 1.024 motions for permission to conduct search were submitted to courts 967 of which were sufficed.

    • 3.600 motions for permission to get incoming and outgoing phone calls decoding were sent to courts.

    • 14 cases on murder and murder attempt committed in 2019 were investigated 11 of which were disclosed.

    • 114 defendants within criminal cases on evasion from regular military service were drafted to the armed forces.

    • 720 criminal cases on corruption-related crimes were investigated in subdivisions of the Investigative Committee. Within the mentioned cases 364 persons were involved as a defendant. 68 persons were sued 1 of them being under custody. 277 officials within 720 criminal cases were prosecuted; that is 76.0% of those involved as a defendant. Tenure of 36 defendants was temporarily terminated.

    • the amount of money paid to the deposit account of the Investigative Committee to recover the pecuniary damage caused is as following

    - as of 01.01.2018 - 176.019.482,3 AMD,

    - as of 01.01.2019 -,6 AMD

    - as of 06.05.2019 - 1.576.755.700 AMD.

    However, pursuant to studies and analyses the results of the significant work done are not sufficient and in the subsequent period the Investigative Committee has significant work to do in the fight against crime.