International cooperation
06.11.18, 11:46

Chairman of RA IC Investigative Committee Hayk Grigoryan Received RF Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary in Armenia Sergey Kopirkin

Chairman of RA IC Investigative Committee Hayk Grigoryan Received RF Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary in Armenia Sergey Kopirkin

The Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Hayk Grigoryan received today the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Armenia Sergey Kopirkin.

A wide range of issues on cooperation between the law enforcement bodies of the two countries were discussed.

RA IC Chairman Hayk Grigoryan stated that efficient mechanisms ensuring cooperation between the Investigative Committees of Armenia and Russia were established both in bilateral and multilateral format. The activities implemented jointly in these years contributed to enhancement of efficiency of international legal aid provided to each other within criminal cases which is to ensure the proper criminal legal protection of citizens’ rights in both countries. IC Chairman expressed hope that efficient cooperation will go on in fight against crime, as well.

Assessing the direct contacts between the law enforcement bodies of the two countries highly Ambassador Kopirkin confirmed the readiness of RF Embassy to support the development of cooperation between the investigative bodies.

The parties arranged to periodically discuss agenda issues in working order outlining new directions of cooperation.