International cooperation
09.09.19, 14:04

Chairman of RA Investigative Committee Had Working Meeting with Chairman of RF Investigative Committee (photos)

Chairman of RA Investigative Committee Had Working Meeting with Chairman of RF Investigative Committee (photos)

The Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Hayk Grigoryan met the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin in St. Petersburg. Governor of St. Petersburg Alexander Beglov also took part in the meeting.

The heads of the Committees discussed the results of the inter-agency cooperation as well as further plans for strengthening and development of cooperation between the Investigative Committees of Russia and Armenia. Besides, a cooperation program between the Investigative Committees of two countries in scientific and educational sphere for 2020-2022 was signed.

The Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Hayk Grigoryan attached importance to close cooperation of law enforcement bodies of two countries which allows to solve the practical issues in an efficient and operative way.

Hayk Grigoryan attached importance to close cooperation and provision of legal aid within criminal cases, implementation of international queries in short terms, operative information exchange.

Chairman of the RF Investigative Committee stated that implementation of the memorandum of mutual understanding between the Committees of Armenia and Russia promotes sustainable development of bilateral ties. «Work is done not only to prevent and disclose crimes but also to create conditions for professional orientation for young men, to educate legal successors with high moral values», said Alexander Bastrykin.

Taking into consideration the intensive development of cooperation between the Committees, IC Chairman of Russia supported the Belarusian counterparts’ initiative to hold joint sessions with representatives of the Investigative Committees of Armenia, Belarus and Russia twice a year.