01.03.19, 06:43

Chairman of RA Investigative Committee Hayk Grigoryan Paid Working Visit to Republic of Artsakh (photos)

Chairman of RA Investigative Committee Hayk Grigoryan Paid Working Visit to Republic of Artsakh (photos)

The delegation headed by the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Hayk Grigoryan paid a working visit to the Republic of Artsakh.

During the visit an enlarged session was held and the Police Chief, Commander of Defense Army, Chief of National Security Service, Chief of Military Police of the Republic of Artsakh took part in it.

The work done by the First, Second and Third Garrison Units of General Military Investigative Department were summed up.

During the meeting the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Hayk Grigoryan got acquainted with the work done by the garrison investigative units in the previous year. Hayk Grigoryan gave specific instructions for enhancement of quality of preliminary investigation.

During the session the Chairman of the Investigative Committee also discussed a wide range of issues of mutual interest with the counterparts of the Republic of Artsakh. Arrangement was achieved to create a working group to organize the further discussion on a number of issues and to find efficient solutions to them.

Turning to investigators performing their service in the Republic of Artsakh IC Chairman emphasized that their problems are in the center of his attention. “First of all, we try to give solutions to your problems. Investigator’s service in Artakh is very hard but at the same time very honorable work. The fact that you are always the first to be encouraged is conditioned with peculiarities of your work. Of course, it does not mean that you should fail and be satisfied with what you have achieved”, mentioned IC Chairman.

Hayk Grigoryan emphasized that one of the pillars of success of investigator is to be endowed with soldier’s psychology. “Realizing the complexity and volume of your work I assess highly the service of each of you. Investigation of grave crimes will help you to master the criminal right, criminalistics best of all, as well as will help to understand the soldier’s psychology. After all, the investigator working in Artsakh should be endowed with psychological features of soldier, otherwise he will not be able to do anything”, said Hayk Grigoryan.  

During the meeting issues on improvement of working and logistic conditions of garrison investigative units were discussed. The IC leadership will try to solve the existing problems in short terms.    

Deputy Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee, Head of General Military Investigative Department Artak Krkyasharyan made a speech giving a positive assessment to the activity of garrison investigative units and recorded new successes.

At the end of the meeting a number of employees of garrison investigative units were awarded medals and nominal souvenirs of the Chairman of the Investigative Committee.

During the working visit the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee met the President of the Republic of Artsakh Bako Sahakyan and the Police Chief Igor Grigoryan. The parties discussed several issues on cooperation between the relevant structures of the two Armenian republics.