13.04.17, 15:03

Chairman of RA Investigative Committee received head of EU Delegation to Armenia, Ambassador Peter Svitalski

Chairman of RA Investigative Committee received head of EU Delegation to Armenia, Ambassador Peter Svitalski

The Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Aghvan Hovsepyan today received the Head of the EU Delegation to Armenia, Ambassador Pete Svitalski.

Greeting the guest A. Hovsepyan assessed highly the cooperation with EU Delegation, highlighted the support provided by EU particularly in capacity development of law enforcement bodies, raising the citizens’ legal awareness level.

The parties discussed issues on elections held in the RA on April 2. The RA IC Chairman stated that the technical support provided by EU to organize the election process significantly contributed to prevention, disclosure of some types of electoral breaches.

A. Hovsepyan informed that 16 criminal cases were initiated on the base of the reports on electoral breaches to be investigated by the Investigative Committee 7 of which were sent to court. Technical equipment, video devices in polling stations provided to election commissions for organizing the voting process greatly contributed to verification of circumstances mentioned in reports on electoral breaches.  Sufficient evidence are obtained in short terms and based on them respective legal assessments are given which, for one thing, contributes to protection of rights and interests of participants of proceeding, for another thing, states the inevitability of punishment.

The parties exchanged views to raise the efficiency of struggle against other forms of electoral breaches during the elections, to develop new tools.