07.12.16, 15:34

RA IC Chairman Aghvan Hovsepyan received Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Kazakhstan to Armenia (Photos)

RA IC Chairman Aghvan Hovsepyan received Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Kazakhstan to Armenia (Photos)

The Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Aghvan Hovsepyan today received the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Kazakhstan to Armenia Timur Urazayev. The parties discussed a wide range of issues of mutual interest.

The RA IC Chairman assessed highly the work performed by the Embassy in strengthening the friendship between the two countries and stated particularly the cooperation traditions formed between the law enforcement bodies. The parties expressed their readiness to continue and deepen their cooperation.  

During the meeting the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee and the Ambassador of Kazakhstan referred to perspectives to strengthen the cooperation between the RA Investigative Committee and the investigative bodies of Kazakhstan, agreement was achieved to continue the discussions in working order.