29.10.19, 10:31

Charge Pressed against 48 Year-Old Woman for Sexual Exploitation as well as for Juvenile’s Sexual Exploitation

Charge Pressed against 48 Year-Old Woman for Sexual Exploitation as well as for Juvenile’s Sexual Exploitation

Within the criminal case investigated in the Department of Investigation of Crimes on Human Trafficking, against Sexual Immunity of Juveniles and Illegal Turnover of Drugs of General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA Investigative Committee charge was pressed against the woman, born in 1970, for sexual exploitation of a woman as well as for committing the same act against a juvenile.

In May, 2019 the resident of Aragatsotn province submitted a report in RA Police informing that the resident of the same province, born in 1970, under the pretext of employment took her and her three little children to her house then against her will, by means of threat and use of force induced her to be engaged in prostitution.

Some days later another resident, a juvenile submitted a report on exploitation committed by the same woman.

In the result of a number of investigatory and procedural actions conducted within the criminal case it was found out that in August, 2019 48 year-old woman getting informed that the woman, who was homeless with three little children, was looking for a dwelling, making use of her vulnerable condition, with the purpose of recruitment for exploitation took the woman and her children to her house. Then she seized the woman’s passport and children’s documents to limit her freedom after which threatening to get them out of the house as well as to use violence dangerous for their life and health – beating, until mid-December, 2018 forced her to have sexual intercourse almost every day in her house as well as at hotels located in several provinces with men mentioned by her. Then receiving the money from them herself possessed it.

Besides, in September, 2018 the same person getting informed that a girl of 16, who was out of parental control, was looking for a job, got her into delusion and until April, 2019 forced her to sexual exploitation in her house as well as at several hotels with men mentioned by her and herself possessed the money paid for sexual service.

On the base of the obtained sufficient evidence charge was pressed against 48 year-old woman according to the Part 1 of the Article 132 and the Part 1 of the Article 132.2 of RA Criminal Code. Detention was chosen as a pretrial measure against her.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing.

Taking peculiarities of the criminal case into consideration other information shall not be published.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.