Charge Pressed against Former Deputy Head of State Property Management Department adjunct to RA Government; Detention Chosen as Pretrial Measure against Him

In the framework of the criminal case investigated in General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA Investigative Committee actual data were obtained on abuses committed during alienation of cannels of Jradzor and Amasia located in Shirak province, plots envisaged for their use and service, tunnel of 7060 meters. Charge was pressed against former Deputy Head of State Property Management Department adjunct to the RA Government.
Thus, on February 2, 2017 Director General of «Ani» OJCS submitted an application to the Government asking to alienate Jradzor cannel with a surface of 1882 s/m and the plot with a surface of 0.1968 ha necessary for its use and service, Amasia cannel with a surface of 5342 s/m and the plot with a surface of 1.38 ha necessary for its use and service, the tunnel of 7060 m and structures serving cannels located in Amasia community of Shirak province registered in the balance sheet of State Committee of Water Economy of the RA Ministry of Energy Infrastructures and Natural Resources and handed over to «Shirak» Water User Company for free use, in direct sales form to «Ani» OJSC.
State Property Management Department adjunct to the RA Government was tasked by the Government to consider the application and submit offers.
Pursuant to preliminary investigation data, obviously false data were entered in official documents on property assessment by abusing official position, forgery by the officials of State Property Management Department adjunct to the RA Government indicating the value of the above-described property much lower than the market price - 32.531.000 AMD. The false calculation was sent to Alienation Division of the same Department. On its base by the decision N 372 Ա confirmed on 13.04.2017 by the RA Government it was allowed to alienate the property with real value of 244.600.000 AMD to “Ani” OJSC for 24.965.898 AMD – 75 % of the false calculation. The mentioned transaction inflicted the legal interests of the state pecuniary damage in particularly large amount - 160.754.694 AMD causing grave circumstances.
In the result of measures taken within the criminal case data were obtained on relation of Deputy Head of State Property Management Department adjunct to the RA Government to the mentioned forgeries. The latter carried out the duties of acting head of the department in the given period. On the base of the obtained evidence charge was pressed against him according to the Part 2 of the Article 308 and the Part 1 of the Article 38-314 of RA Criminal Code. The investigator submitted a motion to court to use detention as a pretrial measure against him. The motion was sufficed.
Preliminary investigation is ongoing. Necessary investigatory actions are conducted to provide the comprehensive, complete and objective investigation of circumstances of the case, to find out the whole frame of those possibly related to abuses, to personalize their actions, as well as to check the initial data on possible abuses in other transactions.
Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.