18.08.23, 19:18

Founders, Directors and a Number of Employees of “Security Dream” and “Ellips GA” LLC-s with Prior Agreement Swindled 770.960.963 AMD from the Republic of Armenia

Founders, Directors and a Number of Employees of “Security Dream” and “Ellips GA” LLC-s with Prior Agreement Swindled 770.960.963 AMD from the Republic of Armenia

Preliminary investigation of the part on six defendants separated from the criminal proceeding initiated on swindling money in particularly large amount from the state through fraudulence, forging documents committed by the founders, directors and a number of employees of “Security Dream” and “Ellips GA” LLC-s was completed in General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA Investigative Committee.

Through investigation it was found out that on February 15, 2017 a trust management agreement for traffic control systems owned by the RA was signed between the “Road Police” service of the RA Police and “Security Dream” LLC pursuant to which it was defined that “Security Dream” LLC was paid in the amount of 10 percent of the difference between the amount of the actual collection of fines for violations detected by technical control systems to the observance of traffic rules and the amount to be reimbursed for the expenses incurred.

Moreover, the same agreement also defined that "Security Dream" LLC will receive 100 percent compensation of the incurred costs for the services to be provided for the maintenance of the mentioned systems. "Security Dream" LLC signed an agreement with "Ellips GA" LLC for technical maintenance of the traffic control systems.

In the result of large-scale investigative and procedural actions factual data were obtained on the allegation that a mechanism for committing swindling in particularly large amount had been developed by the co-founders, directors and a number of employees of the above-mentioned companies, those involved in the criminal chain were identified, the amount of the damage caused to the state was found out.

Particularly, A.Z., being the co-founder of "Security Dream" and "Ellips GA" LLC-s, as well as the head of the executive body, director of "Ellips GA" LLC between February 15, 2017 and March, 2019, using his position and authorities, between February 15, 2017 and December 31, 2019, with prior agreement with a group of people the co-founder of the same companies G.Z. and director of "Security Dream" LLC K.K., then with prior agreement with director A.P., with the support of the accountant of  "Security Dream” LLC A.Kh. and the account of "Ellips GA" LLC A.A., with the intent to swindle somebody else’s property in particularly large amount through fraudulence, drew up false execution acts regarding the provision of services, which did not correspond to reality, submitted them to “Security Dream” LLC where the chief accountant of  “Security Dream” LLC A.Kh. in different periods directors K.K. and A.P., being aware about the fact that the mentioned documents were false, used the mentioned executive acts and based on them made handover-acceptance protocols, on the base of which tax invoices were drawn up and submitted to the financial department of the “Road Police” service of the RA Police thus swindling through fraudulence money in particularly large amount, 770.960.963 AMD in total from the state.

In the course of preliminary investigation a part of the damage caused to the state, 290.327.078 AMD was reimbursed, ban was imposed to the property of the four defendants and financial resources of “Security Dream” LLC for the part of the damage not reimbursed yet.

Mortgage was used as a pretrial measure against three of six defendants, absence ban was used against two of them, signature not to leave was used against one of them.

Preliminary investigation was completed, the materials of the proceeding with the bill of indictment were sent to the prosecutor for approval and referral to court.

.Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.