30.12.19, 09:50

Charge Pressed against Four Persons within Criminal Case on 41 Year-Old Man’s Murder with Particular Cruelty in Spitak; Preliminary Investigation on Three Defendants Completed

Charge Pressed against Four Persons within Criminal Case on 41 Year-Old Man’s Murder with Particular Cruelty in Spitak; Preliminary Investigation on Three Defendants Completed

Preliminary investigation of the criminal case initiated on murder committed by a group of people with particular cruelty, willful infliction of bodily damage of medium gravity, illegal keeping of weapon was completed in Lori Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee. Charge was pressed against four persons.  

In the result of investigatory actions of great volume conducted during pretrial proceeding circumstances, the motive of murder of 41 year-old resident of Spitak town with particular cruelty were found out.

During preliminary investigation it was found out that the residents of Vanadzor, born in 1990 and 1988, had been in tense relations with the victim – the resident of Spitak, born in 1978, who worked in an insurance company which belonged to the resident of the same town, born in 1987.

Pursuant to investigation data, with the purpose of meeting 41 year-old man and revenge on him, on January 14, 2019 one of the defendants – 29 year-old man called the director of the mentioned insurance company and told that he wanted to meet the victim and offered to organize the meeting.

The director of the office being aware that 29 year-old man wanted to revenge on his employee, realizing the possible dangerous consequences of their joint actions, on January 15, 2019 at about 13:00 deluding the employee and assuring that he must allegedly tell him important information, invited him to the insurance company’s office located in Spitak town at the same time concealing that 29 year-old man wanted to meet him.

According to prior agreement with the latter the company director also called his other acquaintance who was also a resident of Vanadzor, born in 1988, turned on the speakerphone, at victim’s presence talked with him meanwhile the latter armed with a firearm arrived in the office with his friend, the resident of Vanadzor, born in 1988, armed with a knife.

Then, in the office of insurance company with the purpose of illegal deprivation of 41 year-old man’s life, 29 year-old man fired shots towards the him in a way dangerous for many people’s life from a pistol procured and kept by him illegally causing three firearm injuries, 31 year-old man, ignoring the victim’s request to help him, showing particular cruelty cut the latter’s left ear as well as the upper edge of the right ear with a knife thus murdering him by a group.

Through preliminary investigation it was also found out that 29 year-old man caused firearm injury to one of those present in the office causing bodily damage of medium gravity after which three of them escaped from the office. The director of the company cleaned the blood-like traces available at the scene, found two fired capsules, took them and escaped. 41 year-old man died on the way to hospital of hemorrhagic and traumatic shock caused by bodily injuries.

On the base of the obtained sufficient evidence charge was pressed against the man, born in 1988, according to the Points 5 and 7 of the Part 2 of the Article 104, against the man, born in 1990, according to the Points 6 and 7 of the Part 2 of the Article 104, the Part 1 of the Article 113 and the Part 1 of the Article 235 of RA Criminal Code, against the director of the insurance company – according to the Part 1 of the Article 38-104 of RA Criminal Code.

Preliminary investigation of the part on the three persons separated from the criminal case was completed and the criminal case with the bill of indictment was sent to prosecutor supervising the legality of preliminary investigation.

As of the fourth person who was present at the murder scene – the other resident of Vanadzor, born in 1988, search had been formerly declared against him.  In the result of operative-searching and intelligence measures he was found and brought to the investigative body. Charge was pressed against him according to the Part 1 of the Article 334 of RA Criminal Code. The investigator submitted a motion to court to reconfirm detention chosen as a pretrial measure against him. It was sufficed. At the same time the court considered usage of mortgage permissible as an optional pretrial measure.

The parts on him as well as on illegal sale of firearm to 29 year-old man were separated as a separate proceeding preliminary investigation of which is ongoing.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.