22.06.16, 10:09

Charge pressed against Zhirayr Sefilyan

Charge pressed against Zhirayr Sefilyan

In the framework of the criminal case investigated in General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA Investigative Committee on June 22, 2016 charge was pressed against Zhirayr Sefilyan according to the Part 2 of the Article 235 of RA Criminal Code.

Taking into consideration the public interest and society’s expectation on comprehensive and impartial investigation we inform that through initial investigation sufficient evidence were obtained on the allegation that he had organized illegal procurement, transportation of weapons and ammunition, as well as their keeping in different places by a group of people. Particularly, Zh. Sefilyan had had direct contact with different persons involved as a defendant in the framework of the criminal case whom he directly instructed to transport weapons and ammunition kept illegally, keep them in different places, as well as to be ready to use them in case there was an appropriate command.

Zhirayr Sefilyan was offered to give testimony on facts of the grounds for the charge, however using his constitutional right he chose to remain silent and not to give testimony. Moreover, Zh. Sefilyan did not express a desire to give testimony during cross-examination and ask questions to those who had testified against him. In the framework of the criminal case a number of investigatory and procedural actions were conducted, including searches were conducted in Sefilyan’s apartment and office, computers, documents and other materials were confiscated.

Having assessed the evidence under its disposal, the nature of the committal ascribed to Zh. Sefilyan, degree of danger, as well as sufficient grounds necessary to keep him in custody, the investigative body made a decision to submit a motion to court to use detention as a pretrial measure against him.  

At the same time we inform that 9 persons were involved as a defendant in the framework of the criminal case, including Zhirayr Sefilyan. Whereabouts of one of the defendants is unknown and search was declared against him. The relevant bodies were instructed to take measures to find him and bring to the investigative body.  

The RA Investigative Committee will go on providing information on the process of preliminary investigation and its results ensuring the rights of persons involved in the criminal case, as well as balanced protection of the interests of justice.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.