03.05.18, 14:07

Criminal case initiated on hindrance to legal professional activity of journalist of “Civilnet” received in proceeding

Criminal case initiated on hindrance to legal professional activity of journalist of “Civilnet” received in proceeding

The criminal case initiated on hindrance to legal professional activity of the journalist of «Civilnet» was received in the Investigative Division of Avan and Nor Nork administrative districts of Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee.

Pursuant to data of the criminal case on April 21, 2018 a call was received in the Police from the journalist of «Civilnet» A. Grigoryan informing that his mobile phone was stolen while performing his professional activity.

According to the report submitted by the journalist, as well as his explanations on April 21 at about 15:00 he noticed a brawl in Babajanyan Street of Avan administrative district, he filmed it and broadcast it live via «Iphone 6s» mobile phone. While performing journalist’s activities a person approached him from the back, stole the mobile phone and fled.

A criminal case was initiated in Nor Nork Division of the Police according to the Article 164 of RA Criminal Code which on May 2 was received in the RA IC Investigative Division of Avan and Nor Nork administrative districts of Yerevan Investigative Department. On the same day the investigator received it in his proceeding.

Necessary measures are taken to find all circumstances of the case. The relevant subdivisions of the police were tasked to take measures to identify the person having stolen the journalist’s mobile phone, as well as those involved in brawl and bring them to the investigative body.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.