Criminal Proceeding on crimes related to criminal subculture sent to court
![Criminal Proceeding on crimes related to criminal subculture sent to court Criminal Proceeding on crimes related to criminal subculture sent to court](,0006.jpeg?token=ef6c99d65c7e71972bca73998612bc42cd765563)
Preliminary investigation of the criminal proceeding initiated on maintaining the highest status in the criminal hierarchy, as well as applying to the person having the highest status in the criminal hierarchy was completed in General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA Investigative Committee.
In the result of investigative and procedural actions it was found out and grounded that G. Israyelyan, known as “Karen from Hoktemberyan”, having the highest status of “criminal authority” – criminal hierarchy, took up the solution of the issue of returning the debt to the citizen. In order to make clarifications about this issue he met the mentioned citizen and determining the amount of the money owed by the latter, which was 12.900 USD, assured him that due to his illegal influence the debtor would return the debt in parts.
Then learning about the theft committed by the citizen and the dispute arisen on returning the stolen things, G. Israyelyan met the latter and assured that he would resolve the mentioned dispute by using his illegal influence. At the same time he told to inform those, who would turn to him in connection with the mentioned issue, about his involvement, and if necessary he would get in touch with them.
Besides, through investigation data were obtained on the allegation that G. Israyelyan, using his illegal influence, took up a resolution of another dispute related to a private matter as well.
Particularly, during the dispute arisen on showing a weapon by one of the citizens while making clarifications on obstructing each other's traffic while driving, the latter introduced himself as G. Israyelyan’s friend. As a result, the mentioned person, being aware about the circumstance of G. Israyelyan’s having the highest status in the criminal hierarchy, stopped the clarifications. The next day G. Israyelyan’s friend informed him about the incident after which G. Israyelyan and the disputing persons met. During the meeting G. Israyelyan, using his authority and the highest status in the criminal hierarchy, resolved the dispute.
It was also found out that G. Israyelyan, continuing maintaining the highest status in the criminal hierarchy, intending to get an illegal income, in order to resolve the dispute on not paying the debt in the amount of 2.300.000 AMD in favor of T. Kh., who had turned to him, called the debtor and required to return it as well as to give 200.000 AMD of it to his and the mentioned person’s common acquaintance. During discussions about delaying the return of money for various reasons G. Israyelyan periodically threatened the debtor to use violence against him by using his authority and possibilities. As a result, the debtor returned 1.900.000 AMD of the debt on several days 400.000 AMD of which G. Israyelyan returned to T. Kh.. The rest of the money was possessed by G. Israyelyan as an illegal income.
On the base of the obtained sufficient facts charge was pressed against G. Israyelyan having the highest status in the criminal hierarchy according to the Part 1 of the Article 322, against T. Kh. according to the Part 1 of the Article 325 of RA Criminal Code.
Mortgage in the amount of 10 million AMD and absence ban was chosen as a pretrial measure against G. Israyelyan, mortgage in the amount of 2 million AMD was chosen as a pretrial measure against the other person.
Preliminary investigation was completed. The materials of the criminal proceeding with the bill of indictment were sent to the prosecutor for approval and referral to court.
Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.