Within Criminal Proceeding on Involvement in Criminal Organization Created by Person known as “Don Pipo” and Committing Hooliganism with Weapon Preliminary Investigation on One Person Completed

Preliminary investigation on the part of one person separated from the criminal proceeding initiated on hooliganism committed with weapon and involvement in criminal organization was completed in General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA Investigative Committee.
In the result of large-scale investigative and procedural actions conducted during preliminary investigation it was found out and grounded that the resident of Vagharshapat town of Armavir region A.A. known as “Don Pipo” and the relative of the latter’s wife K.Gh. with the intent to clarify the issues of regulating the sphere of illegal influence in the same town, to neutralize the criminal activity shown by various persons considered as their opponents and their associates, created and led a criminal organization, recruited many of their close friends, including G.A. known as "Goji’s son Gogo" and others to participate in the organization and commit organized crimes. In order to cover their criminal actions A.A. and K.Gh., in the latter’s name, founded LLC "Imperia Security" allegedly providing custodial service and offered several people, among them sportsmen, to be employed by the company as custodians.
In order to reach the criminal organization’s goals in different ways, a number of persons involved in it illegally procured several types of combat and non combat firearms, bullets of several types, ammunition which from time to time they transported from one place to another, kept in different places thus making them difficult to detect.
In March, 2021 the relations between A.A. and the persons involved in the rival gang were strained after which motivated by an obsession with publicly punishing and taking revenge on perceived opponents, on March 14 A.A. assigned the members of the organization to gather in the restaurant located in Nalbandyan Street of Vagharshapat town.
On the same day at about 21:00 the members and associates of the rival gang – over 4 dozens people, armed with illegally procured weapon arrived at the mentioned restaurant. The persons involved in the above-mentioned gangs, obsessed with emphasizing their individual and group advantages, willfully roughly violated public order, disrupted the traffic on Nalbandyan Street for 2-3 minutes, made a noise, scolded and got into a mutual fight with each other during which shots were fired from different firearms towards one another. As a result, one of the A.A.’s associates received an injury on the head. During the fight the members of the rival gang beat K.Gh. hitting him with hands and feet on different parts of his body. The member of the criminal organization G.A. fired shots towards those involved in the rival gang with a weapon of “Winchester” type which he had taken in advance.
As a result of the described actions the employees of public facilities, residents of residential houses and apartment buildings located in the vicinity of the scene, people passing by were in an alarming situation. After the mentioned actions the persons having committed the alleged crime fled from the scene.
On the base of the obtained sufficient facts charge was pressed against one of the members of the criminal organization G.A. according to the Part 3 of the Article 297 and the Part 1 of the Article 319 of RA Criminal Code.Preliminary investigation on the latter was completed, the materials of the criminal proceeding with the bill of indictment were sent to the prosecutor for approval and referral to court.
Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.