29.07.15, 14:12

Deputy Chairman of RA Investigative Committee Artur Ghambaryan received Deputy Head of Inquiry Section of Security Service of US Embassy

Deputy Chairman of RA Investigative Committee Artur Ghambaryan received Deputy Head of Inquiry Section of Security Service of US Embassy

The Deputy Chairman of RA Investigative Committee Artur Ghambaryan today received the Deputy Head of Inquiry Section of Security Service of US Embassy Carter Bass who completed his mission in this position. During the meeting the American partner introduced the newly-appointed Deputy Head of Inquiry Section of Security Service of US Embassy Christopher Gruber.

The Deputy Chairman of RA Investigative Committee thanked Mr. Bass for cooperation and wished him success in his future missions. A. Ghambaryan expressed hope to continue the traditions of cooperation with the newly appointed deputy head.

The parties discussed issues on cooperation, as well as perspectives of future cooperation. Particularly, issues on efficiency and completeness of implementation of queries on providing legal service sent to US competent bodies in the framework of the criminal cases on document forgery investigated in RA Investigative Committee, as well as issues on the results of preliminary investigation of criminal cases initiated in territorial subdivisions of RA Investigative Committee on forgeries found in the result of the examination of the documents submitted to the consulate of US Embassy to get a visa (passports, graduation certificates and so on).

The parties achieved certain arrangements.