11.03.24, 16:09

Hooliganism with Weapon and Battery in Abovyan Town; Public Criminal Prosecution Initiated against 4 Persons

Hooliganism with Weapon and Battery in Abovyan Town; Public Criminal Prosecution Initiated against 4 Persons

Within the framework of the criminal proceeding investigated in Kotayk Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee significant circumstances of hooliganism with a weapon and physical impact against the resident of Abovyan community committed by more than a dozen people were found out.

On March 7, 2024 at 19:03 a call was received from an unknown citizen on shots fired during the quarrel taking place at the bakery located in Constitution Square of Abovyan community.

The investigative-operative group immediately left for the scene and took necessary investigative and operative measures. As a result, data were obtained on those involved in the incident and the motive of the incident.

With regard to the case a criminal proceeding was initiated in Abovyan Investigative Division of Kotayk Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee according to the Point 1 of the Part 2 of the Article 297, the Part 3 of the Article 297, the Part 1 of the Article 335 and the Point 5 of the Part 2 of the Article 195 of RA Criminal Code within the framework of which a decision was made to assign the conduction of preliminary investigation to the investigative group.

Pursuant to data obtained through investigation, on March 7, 2024 at about 18:30 at the bus stop located on Azatutyan Avenue of Yerevan a quarrel and brawl on passenger transportation took place between the employees of an LLC engaged in passenger transportation and V.M., the resident of Abovyan community. After it when the latter drove to Abovyan town in his car of «Mazda 3» make, the above-mentioned employees informed another resident of the same town about what had happened and chasing V.M. they also left for Abovyan town.

At about 19:00 V.M. parked the car in front of the bakery located in Constitution Square of Abovyan town after which more than a dozen people, showing disrespect for public, and obvious contempt for legal and moral norms, contrasting the surroundings with their behavior, blocked the road of V.M.'s car from both sides with cars, obstructing the traffic of other cars, as well.

Then approaching V.M.’s car, they opened the front doors, switched off the engine and ignoring the presence of numerous people in the street, with a demonstrative disregard for the rules of coexistence, scolding, hit V.M. with hands and feet on different parts of his body during which one of those involved in the incident fired a shot from a rifle of «Baricat $17» model towards V.M., however he failed.

As a result of the above-mentioned actions, traffic on the given section of the street was disrupted for a long time, the normal operation of the public facilities located at the adjacent area was obstructed and the peace of the people present was disrupted causing them to feel fear and alarm.

In the course of the preliminary investigation V.M. was found the victim and was questioned.

Inspection of the scene was conducted from where the video recording of the video recording device was taken and examined. As a result, those having beaten the victim, as well as having fired a shot towards him, were identified; pursuant to investigation data, they are employees of the mentioned LLC and residents of Abovyan community.

Through inspection of the car of «Mazda 3» make damages were found on the windscreen, a fired capsule was taken, as well.

A number of expertises were commissioned.

Within the framework of the proceeding public criminal prosecution was initiated against 4 persons, one of them was arrested. Charge was pressed against the person, who had apparently fired a shot, according to the Point 5 of the Part 2 of the Article 195 and the Part 3 of the Article 297 of RA Criminal Code. Detention was chosen as a pretrial measure against him. Public criminal prosecution against the other three persons was initiated according to the Point 5 of the Part 2 of the Article 195 and the Pont 1 of the Part 2 of the Article 297 of RA Criminal Code. The Police was assigned to find them and bring them to the investigative body.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.