In First Term of 2019 209 Criminal Cases on Crimes against Children Investigated in IC Proceeding; 193 Persons Found Affected

Criminal cases on crimes committed against children in the first term of 2019 were summed up in the RA Investigative Committee. Pursuant to brief data, in the first term of 2019 209 criminal cases on apparent crimes committed against children were investigated in the first term of 2019.
At the observed period 98 materials on crimes committed against children were prepared in subdivisions of the Investigative Committee.
At the mentioned period 209 criminal cases on crimes against children were in the proceeding of the RA Investigative Committee 7 of which were in the proceeding of General Military Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee. Moreover, 143 out of the mentioned 209 cases were received in the proceeding in the first term of 2019, 66 were incomplete cases at the beginning of the year. At the mentioned period 98 criminal cases were initiated.
Within the criminal cases 110 persons were involved as a defendant, 5 of them were from 14 to 16 years old, 2 – from 16 to 18, 63 – from 18 to 35, 40 – over 35 years old.
193 persons were found the injured party 105 of which were up to 12 years old, 20 – from 12 to 14 years old, 36 – from 14 to 16, 32 – from 16 to 18 years old.
32 criminal cases on 34 persons were sent to court with the bill of indictment (1 criminal case on 1 person – in RA IC General Military Investigative Department).
Out of 209 criminal cases
4 referred to murder envisaged by the Article 104 of RA Criminal Code,
2 - to causing death by negligence envisaged by the Article 109 of RA Criminal Code,
3 - to causing somebody to commit suicide envisaged by the Article 110 of RA Criminal Code,
5 - to willful infliction of heavy damage to health envisaged by the Article 112 of RA Criminal Code,
2 - to willful infliction of medium-gravity damage to health envisaged by the Article 113 of RA Criminal Code,
3 - to willful infliction of light damage to health envisaged by the Article 117 of RA Criminal Code,
38 - to battery envisaged by the Article 118 of RA Criminal Code,
1 - to willfully causing strong pain or bodily or mental sufferance to a person envisaged by the Article 119 of RA Criminal Code,
1 - to inflicting grave damage through negligence envisaged by the Article 120 of RA Criminal Code,
3 - to kidnapping envisaged by the Article 131 of RA Criminal Code,
1 - to trafficking or exploitation of a child or a person deprived of opportunity to realize his actions or control them caused by mental disorder envisaged by the Article 132.2 of RA Criminal Code,
2 – to illegal deprivation of freedom envisaged by the Article 133 of RA Criminal Code,
4 - to threat to murder or to inflict heavy damage to one’s life or to destroy property envisaged by the Article 137 of RA Criminal Code,
3 - to rape envisaged by the Article 138 of RA Criminal Code,
10 - to violent sexual actions envisaged by the Article 139 of RA Criminal Code,
1 – to forcing a person to sexual intercourse or sexual acts envisaged by the Article 140 of RA Criminal Code,
22 - to sexual intercourse or other sexual acts with a person obviously under 16 envisaged by the Article 141 of RA Criminal Code,
15 - to lecherous acts envisaged by the Article 142 of RA Criminal Code,
1 - to involving a minor into committal of crime envisaged by the Article 165 of RA Criminal Code,
1 - to involvement of a child into regular use of alcoholic drinks, strong or other narcotic drugs not for medical purposes, vagrancy or beggary envisaged by the Article 166.1 of RA Criminal Code,
2 - to illegal separation of the child from the parents or substitution of the child envisaged by the Article 167 of RA Criminal Code,
5 – to hindering to visits of parent or other close relative to the child envisaged by the Article 167.1 of RA Criminal Code,
1 – to reporting false information to Civil Status Act Registration Bodies envisaged by the Article 169.1 of RA Criminal Code,
10 – to willful evasion from supporting one’s child by the parent envisaged by the Article 173 of RA Criminal Code,
69 – to other crimes.
In the first term of 2019 92 criminal cases on crimes committed against children were completed 3 of which – in General Military Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee.