09.03.17, 14:00

Instructed to make reports on violations subject of consideration and present results to public

Instructed to make reports on violations subject of consideration and present results to public

By the order of the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Aghvan Hovsepyan a working group was created to coordinate the operative organization of consideration of reports on violations of citizens’ electoral rights during the NA elections to be held on April 2 (also on voting day) in Investigative Committee’s jurisdiction, as well as the conduction of investigation by more experienced investigators.

By the order N 28 L dated February 24 the heads of the RA IC investigative bodies and subdivisions were particularly instructed;

-  to respond quickly to all reports on violations of citizens’ electoral rights during the elections and subsequent period, to organize the consideration of reports in a short term by more experienced investigators,

-    to send immediately reports on initiation of criminal cases, as well as on their process to the head of the working group,

-   on April 2 to conduct enhanced service involving 100% of the employees at the same time providing the employees of the Investigative Committee with an opportunity to participate in the elections of National Assembly as a voter.

The working group will be coordinated by the Head of General Department of Control over Activity of Territorial Investigative Departments T. Petrosyan.

By the order the advisor to the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee was also instructed to provide the operative coverage of reports on violations of citizens’ electoral rights and decisions made in the result of their consideration by the IC investigative bodies and subdivisions.