25.12.19, 08:24

Murder in Dilijan; Criminal Case Initiated

Murder in Dilijan; Criminal Case Initiated

Necessary investigatory and other procedural actions are conducted in Tavush Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee to find out all circumstances of murder committed in Dilijan town.

On December 24, 2019 at 21:00 a call was received from “Dilijan” medical center informing that two persons with firearm injuries were taken to medical center where one of them died of bodily injuries he had sustained.

A criminal case was initiated in the RA IC Tavush Regional Investigative Department according to the Point 6 of the Part 2 of the Article 104 and the Part 1 of the Article 235 of RA Criminal Code.

In the result of urgent investigatory actions and operative-intelligence measures a number of circumstances, including the scene were found out, the victims were identified; they are residents of Dilijan community, born in 1987 and 1996.

Pursuant to initial data, on December 24, 2019 at about 21:00 the person having committed the alleged crime fired shots from a pistol of 7.62 mm caliber towards 32 year-old man and his relative – 23 year-old man who was at the scene. After it the latters with firearm injuries were taken to medical center where 32 year-old man died of bodily injuries without regaining consciousness.  

During preliminary investigation a number of investigatory actions were conducted – inspection of the scene during which 14 fired capsules of bullet of 7.62mm caliber, blood-like traces were found, samples were taken, witnesses were questioned, the clothes the victims were wearing at the moment of the incident were confiscated.

Forensic medical examination of the body, forensic medical, forensic trace and forensic ballistic examinations were commissioned to find out circumstances significant for the criminal case.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing. Necessary investigatory actions are conducted and operative-searching measures are taken to find out all circumstances, to identify the person having committed the alleged crime, to find and bring him to the investigative body. Instructions were given to relevant subdivisions of the police.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.