06.06.21, 08:46

Murder of Resident of Arevashogh Community Disclosed (photos)

Murder of Resident of Arevashogh Community Disclosed (photos)

On June 5, 2021 at 01:40 a call was received from “Spitak Medical Center” informing that on the same day at 01:20 a resident of Arevashogh community, born in 1990, with cut-pierced wound on the upper third part of the left thigh, damage of the femoral artery muscles, arterial bleeding, cut-pierced wound on the right groin, hemorrhagic anemic shock, agonal condition, circulatory hypoxia of the brain was taken to them. On the same day at 02:30 he died during the operation.

Pursuant to initial data, on Spitak-Gyumri highway to Arevashogh community an argument took place between a group of people and the injured man during which the latter sustained the mentioned injuries.

In the result of urgent and large-scale measures taken jointly with the employees of the RA Police during preliminary investigation of the criminal case initiated in Spitak Investigative Division of Lori Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee a number of circumstances of the case were found out, the person having committed the alleged crime was identified; he is a resident of the same village. The latter was arrested on suspicion of murdering fellow-villager.

Necessary investigative and other procedural actions were conducted, among them inspection of the scene during which a knife, pieces of broken glass bottle were found, samples were taken, a number of people were questioned, the clothes of the injured and those present at the incident were confiscated, forensic medical examination of the body was commissioned.

Preliminary investigation is conducted.

Measures are taken to provide the comprehensive, objective investigation of circumstances of the case.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.