22.12.20, 08:40

Preliminary Investigation of Criminal Case Initiated on a Number of Crimes Committed by Aram Vardanyan Completed

Preliminary Investigation of Criminal Case Initiated on a Number of Crimes Committed by Aram Vardanyan Completed

Preliminary investigation of the criminal case initiated on cases of reporting false information to Civil Registration Agency, document forgery, extortion, as well as legitimizing illegally obtained income committed by A. Vardanyan combined in one proceeding was completed in General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA Investigative Committee. 

In the result of large-scale investigatory and other procedural actions conducted within the criminal case it was found out that in 2012 getting an offer to help his acquaintance to return debt, A. Vardanyan agreed and for this purpose invited the debtor first to an area located in Nor-Nork, Yerevan then to his house. During the meetings threatening to use violence he demanded and received 50.000 USD and the latter’s car of «Mercedes G» make for another 50.000 UՍD which he renamed in his name, he also received the house of the mentioned person registered in his mother’s name for another 50.000 USD. As a result, money and property in particularly large amount - 60 million 261 thousand AMD in total was swindled by extortion.

Then for the purpose of legitimizing the above-mentioned house cost 50.000 USD tantamount to 20.087.000 AMD, concealing the real source of its origin he instructed his relative to sign a formal contract of sale of the house with the debtor’s mother after which – on September 28, 2012 the contract of sale of the house was signed. However, without paying the amount for the purchased property stipulated by the contract, he transformed the property right in the name of his relative thus legitimizing the illegally obtained house which he later sold.

Besides, within the criminal case investigated in the RA Special Investigatory Service and being in freedom as mortgage had been used as a pretrial measure against him, learning about the norm of the RA draft law on amnesty in circulation pursuant to which those sentenced to maximum of six years' imprisonment having a child of up to 3 years old, as of the date of entry into force of the law, are released from punishment, A. Vardanyan reached prior agreement with a woman – single mother, on 29 October, 2018 - 3 days before the adoption of the RA law on announcing amnesty submitted an application on paternity recognition to Territorial Subdivision of Civil Registration Agency in order to create bases to be released from liability.

Being warned about liability envisaged by Law for reporting false information, not being the biological father of the child, he reported false information that he was allegedly the father of the child born on 30.08.2018 thus acquiring the right to paternity for the child and getting a state certificate on paternity decision with false data. 

Then on January 17, 2019 during the trial of the mentioned case the accused A. Vardanyan submitted the mentioned fake certificate to court based on which on January 17, 2019 the court made a decision to stop criminal prosecution against A. Vardanyan and to terminate the proceeding of the criminal case based on the Point 2 of the Part 5 of the Article 2 of RA Law on amnesty.

On the base of the obtained sufficient evidence charge was pressed against A. Vardanyan according to the Point 2 of the Part 3 of the Article 182 (extortion), the Point 1 of the Part 3 of the Article 190 (legitimizing illegally obtained income), the Article 169(reporting false information to Civil Registration Agency) and the Part 1 of the Article 325 (forgery, sale or use of forged documents, stamps, seals, letter-heads, vehicle license plates) of RA Criminal Code. Detention was used as a pretrial measure against him.

Preliminary investigation was completed and the criminal case with the motion to confirm the bill of indictment was sent to prosecutor.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.