17.07.20, 14:29

Preliminary Investigation of Part on Three Defendants within Criminal Case on Ordered Murder Attempt against Businessman Melik Manukyan Committed by Organized Group Completed and Sent to Court

Preliminary Investigation of Part on Three Defendants within Criminal Case on Ordered Murder Attempt against Businessman Melik Manukyan Committed by Organized Group Completed and Sent to Court

Preliminary investigation of the part on three defendants separated from the criminal case initiated on murder attempt committed by an organized group against businessman Melik Manukyan was completed in Abovyan Investigative Division of Kotayk Regional Investigative Department of the RA investigative Committee.

In the result of complete, objective and comprehensive investigation it was found out that three persons two of which are residents of Shirak province, the third is a resident of Yerevan, as well as some unidentified people getting the order of Melik Manukyan’s murder from an unidentified person formed an organized group to commit the crime.

Pursuant to the plan worked out in advance the members of the organized group illegally procured a self-made explosive device loaded with TNT-type explosive.

Through investigation it was found out that for the purpose of depriving Melik Manukyan of life from 30 July to 2, August, 2019 the above-mentioned three persons and their accomplices took measures to find out circumstances of visiting and leaving workplace by Melik Manukyan.

For this purpose, the latters breaking the lock of the entrance door of a room of a non-functioning restaurant complex located in Getamej village of Kotayk province, illegally entered the mentioned room and making sure that from the room windows it was possible to control the operation of Melik Manukyan's workplace - the glass container factory and its parking lot, including the time and route of entering and leaving the area of the mentioned factory by Melik Manukyan, found out the time when Melik Manukyan attended work, the car in which he went to work, his place in the car and the car of bodyguards accompanying him.

After completing the preparations, determining the place, date and time of the crime, the group members put the explosive device procured illegally at the 15th km of Yerevan-Sevan road -near the glass container factory of Melik Manukyan’s “Saranist” LLC and in order to detonate it they took about 58 m long cable necessary for detonation from the mentioned place to their shelter.

On the day of the incident – on 2 August, 2019 at about 12:30 when Melik Manukyan with two persons in the car of “Range Rover” make and his three bodyguards in the car of “Nissan Patrol” make left the area of the factory of glass containers and drove towards the bridge located at the 15th km of Yerevan-Sevan road, the members of the criminal group following the cars detonated the explosive device they had put under the bridge causing an explosion. However, they could not complete the crime under unforeseen circumstances as only the cars were spoilt causing pecuniary damage in large amount.

Besides, during preliminary investigation it was also found out that another criminal case on one of the members of the criminal group initiated according to the Part 1 of the Article 112 of RA Criminal Code was being investigated in Shirak Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee.

Pursuant to data obtained through the criminal case, on 11 April, 2019 one of the members of the criminal group having used alcohol at dinner with his friends argued with a resident of Gyumri in connection with disagreements they had had before. During the argument he hit the latter on the head causing bodily damages. Then for the purpose of inflicting heavy bodily damage to health he stabbed him on the abdomen causing heavy bodily damage threatening to life.

Based on the Article 28 of RA Criminal Procedure Code (combining and separating criminal cases) a decision was made to combine the criminal case initiated on willful infliction of heavy bodily damage to health investigated in Shirak Regional Investigative Department with the criminal case on murder attempt against M. Manukyan and conduct preliminary investigation in one proceeding.

On the base of the obtained sufficient evidence charge was pressed against one of the members of the criminal group according to the Points 1, 6, 7, 8 of the Part 2 of the Article 34-104 (murder attempt), the Part 2 of the Article 235 (illegal procurement, transportation or carrying of weapons, ammunition, explosives or explosive devices) and the Points 1 and 2 of the Part 2 of the Article 185 (willful destruction or spoilage of property) of RA criminal Code. Charge was pressed against the second member of the criminal group according to the Points 1, 6, 7, 8 of the Part 2 of the Article 34-104, the Part 2 of the Article 235, the Points 1 and 2 of the Part 2 of the Article 185 and the Part 1 of the Article 112 of RA Criminal Code. Detention was chosen as a pretrial measure against them.

Charge was pressed against the third member of the group according to the Points 1, 6, 7  8 of the Part 2 of the article 34-104, the Part 2 of the Article 235 and the Points 1 and 2 of the Part 2 of the Article 185 of RA Criminal Code. By the decision of the court dated 05.08.2019 detention was used as a pretrial measure against him which was appealed and by the decision of the court dated 27.12.2019 he was released from custody.

The part on three defendants was separated in a separate proceeding, preliminary investigation was completed and the criminal case with the bill of indictment was sent to court.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing to identify and find the person who had ordered the businessman's murder, unidentified persons of the group as well as the person who had illegally sold the explosive device.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.