25.02.19, 12:35

RA IC Chairman Hayk Grigoryan Got Acquainted with Work Done in Previous Year by Syunik Regional Investigative Department (photos)

RA IC Chairman Hayk Grigoryan Got Acquainted with Work Done in Previous Year by Syunik Regional Investigative Department (photos)

The Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Hayk Grigoryan left for Syunik province on working visit to sum up the work done in the previous year by the regional investigative department.

The Head of the RA IC Syunik Regional Investigative Department Vahram Daghunts presented the work done by regional investigative department in 2018 in numerical indices.

In the observed period 13 investigators actually worked in Syunik Regional Investigative Department and 475 criminal cases were investigated as compared with 381 criminal cases of the previous year. Proceeding of 234 criminal cases or 49.2% out of 475 was completed.

The number of criminal cases investigated in the proceeding of the investigative department has increased by 94 ones or 24.6% as compared with those of the previous year which is conditioned by double increase of corruption-related crimes in the same period of the previous year.

RA IC Chairman studied the reasons of increase of the number of criminal cases and gave specific instructions to enhance the efficiency of organizing work and investigation. The Chairman of the Investigative Committee Hayk Grigoryan emphasized that the heads of territorial subdivisions bear direct responsibility for efficient organization of preliminary investigation.

“In this period increase of criminal cases as well as investigators’ overload is observed. In such conditions subdivision heads should review the methods of organizing work. Subdivision heads should not have few cases in their proceeding when the investigators are overloaded. In order to reduce the investigators’ overload the heads of investigative departments and divisions should increase the number of criminal cases investigated in their proceeding. All of you are investigators and you must help others with your professional skills”, said IC Chairman turning to the regional department head.

Hayk Grigoryan informed the staff of Syunik Regional Investigative Department that certification will be held in spring to determine the compliance of professional knowledge and skills of the employee of the Investigative Committee.

“Nothing except your professional knowledge will be taken into consideration. There will be no compromise. If the investigator shows negligent attitude towards the criminal cases investigated in his proceeding we will take rough steps. The goal of revealing disadvantages is not punishing but enhancing the efficiency of preliminary investigation”, said Hayk Grigoryan.

IC Chairman stated that one of the important preconditions of work efficiency is healthy moral-psychological atmosphere of the team. “Moral-psychological atmosphere you create should make the employees come to work with pleasure and it should not disturb them while carrying out their professional duties”, emphasized Hayk Grigoryan.