31.08.15, 07:35

Rape, murder, murder attempt; preliminary investigation completed, the case sent to court

Rape, murder, murder attempt; preliminary investigation completed, the case sent to court

Preliminary investigation of the criminal case initiated on rape, murder, murder attempt and theft was completed in Lori Regional Investigative Department of RA Investigative Committee. In the framework of the criminal case charge was pressed against a 25 year-old man.

According to the evidence obtained during pretrial proceeding, on September 18, 2014 from 20:30 to 22:30 the 25 year-old man – A. Ghavalyan, being under the influence of alcohol, entered his friend’s house. Being aware that at that moment his friend’s aunt was alone in the house, he raped her by using force, did violent sexual actions then stabbed in different parts of her body with a cutting-piercing tool and killed her.

In the meantime his friend returned and noticed that the door of the gates of the yarde yard were closed from the inside whereas it was usually open as his aunt who lived with them had poor hearing. The man entered their yard through his uncle’s yard living next to him and saw other man’s shoes at the entrance of his house then he noticed that the entrance door was open, the things in the house were in a mess and there was blood on the floor. Suspecting that there was a thief in the house he did not enter the house. He rushed to call his neighbors and relatives living next to him. Looking through the window he recognized A. Ghavalyan in the TV light and realizing that A. Ghavalyan had entered the house to commit a crime, he told him angrily to leave.

According to data of preliminary investigation, A. Ghavalyan taking 2 kitchen knives from the house escaped half-naked in the meantime stabbing in the left part of the frontal surface of his friend’s chest inflicting him heavy damage dangerous for life.

Eventually, he managed to escape and on the way, taking off his jeans and underclothes, as well he hid in the basement of the school where he was found completely naked by the law enforcement bodies.

Through investigation it was found that A. Ghavalyan had formerly committed other committals subject to criminal prosecution, search had been declared against him by the law enforcement bodies of Russian Federation on charge of raping a Russian woman by a group of persons.

On the base of the obtained evidence A. Ghavalyan was charged according to the Point 12 of the Part 2 of the Article 104, the Part 1 of the Article 34-104, the Part 1 of the Article 138, the Part 1of the Article 139, the Point 1.1 of the Part 3 of the Article 177 and the Part 1 of the Article 183 of RA Criminal Code (murder combined with rape or violent sexual actions, murder attempt, rape, violent sexual actions, theft by illegal entering into an apartment and gaining illegal control of a car without the intention of theft).

The criminal case with the bill of indictment was sent to the prosecutor supervising the legality of preliminary investigation. The bill of indictment was confirmed and the case was sent to court.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.