22.11.23, 15:53

Secret Laboratory for Making Narcotic Drugs Found; Criminal Proceeding Initiated, Significant Circumstances Found out

Secret Laboratory for Making Narcotic Drugs Found; Criminal Proceeding Initiated, Significant Circumstances Found out

Investigation is conducted in the First Investigative Division of Kentron and Nork-Marash administrative districts of Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee to find out circumstances of illegally making chemical drugs, growing drugs.

On November 16, 2023 a report was received from the Central Police Division of the RA Ministry of Internal Affairs, informing that a group of people created a secret laboratory for making narcotic drugs in a two-story house located in Norqi Ayginer Street of Yerevan.

With regard to the case a criminal proceeding was initiated according to the Part 1 of the Article 393 of RA Criminal Code the conduction of the preliminary investigation of which was assigned to the investigative group.

In the course of preliminary investigation urgent investigative and procedural actions were planned and conducted. Search was conducted in the mentioned house, as a result 218 shrubs similar to hemp plant, 1 plastic bag with 2 packets of "Marijuana" drug-like mass, 1 plastic bag with 6 packets of "Marijuana" drug-like mass, scales with traces of a white crystalline mass and a yellowish-green vegetal mass, 3 packets with white powdery mass, 1 bag of cannabis leaves, devices emitting ultraviolet light, air humidification and drying equipment, fertilizers, containers for growing hemp shrubs, a system for watering the shrubs, metal meshes for drying hemp plants and other customized items were found. The weight of "Marijuana" like narcotic mass was 6599.199 grams, in total.

In order to find out the composition, type of the drug-like masses forensic chemical expertise was commissioned. Through the conclusion received on a part of them it has already been confirmed that they are "Marijuana" drugs in particularly large amount. 

As a result of the search it was found out that all the premises of the mentioned two-story house had been used to grow, develop and produce narcotic drugs.

It was found out that the two-story house had been leased, and experts from other countries also worked in the secret drug making laboratory.

Within the framework of the criminal proceeding a number of people were questioned.

Data on persons having committed the apparent crime have already been obtained. The Police were assigned to find and bring them to the investigative body.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing. Necessary measures are taken to find out all circumstances of growing, making drugs in the mentioned house, as well as all the persons involved in it.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.