29.03.16, 12:41

Shots fired towards Ghazaryan brothers at armed incident in Gyumri, one of them killed; criminal case sent to court

Shots fired towards Ghazaryan brothers at armed incident in Gyumri, one of them killed; criminal case sent to court

Preliminary investigation of the criminal case on the part of Knyaz Ghazaryan’s murder, murder attempt against his brother Gagik Ghazaryan at the armed incident that took place in Gyumri on the evening of March 7, 2015 was completed in Shirak Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee. The person who had fired shots towards Ghazaryan brothers was identified through investigation.

It was earlier informed that on March 7, 2015 an armed incident took place in Myasnikyan Street in Gyumri in the result of which 6 persons with different bodily injuries were taken to hospital, including Ghazaryan brothers with fractional injuries. Some days later one of them died.

During preliminary investigation of the criminal case necessary investigatory and procedural actions were conducted to find the motive, all the circumstances of the case, the frame of participants, to personalize the actions of each of them.

Through preliminary investigation evidence were obtained on the allegation that the resident of Gyumri A. Grigoryan argued with Ghazaryan brothers in Myasnikyan Street, Gyumri on disagreements they had. The argument turned into brawl during which A. Grigoryan with the purpose of killing fired towards Knyaz and Gagik Ghazaryans with a hunting gun he had taken with him in a way dangerous for those at the site. The brothers with bodily injuries were taken to hospital where K. Ghazaryan died on March 11, 2015. 

On the base of the obtained evidence charge was pressed against A. Grigoryan according to the Points 1, 6 of the Part 2 of the Article 34-104 (murder attempt against two or more persons in a way dangerous for many people’s life) and the Part 1 of the Article 104 of RA Criminal Code.

Preliminary investigation on the part of the accused A. Grigoryan was completed. The criminal case with the bill of indictment was sent to the prosecutor supervising the legality of preliminary investigation. The bill of indictment was confirmed and the case was sent to court.

Preliminary investigation of the criminal case on armed incident in Gyumri on the part of hooliganism, infliction of bodily injuries is ongoing. Measures are taken to provide the comprehensive, objective and complete investigation of circumstances of the case.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.