19.04.18, 12:36

Three people arrested on suspicion of being involved in mass disorders, videos inspected with their participation, actions personalized (video)

In the framework of the criminal case investigated in General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA Investigative Committee necessary investigatory and procedural actions of great volume are conducted to identify those directly involved in mass disorders that took place at the junction of Mashtots-Tumanyan Streets on the evening of April 17. Three people were arrested.

In addition to investigatory actions, during preliminary investigation videos on the incident were inspected and measures were taken to find witnesses as well as those involved in mass disorders at the junction of Mashtots-Tumanyan Streets of Yerevan. Three people captured in the video were found, their actions were personalized, they were arrested on suspicion of participating in mass disorders and questioned.

As a result, actual data were obtained on the allegation that since April 13 they have participated in the protests, marches in Yerevan organized by RA MP Nikol Pashinyan and on the day of the incident, being at the junction of Mashtots and Tumanyan Streets of Yerevan, committed disorders, broke public property, damaged police cars.

The suspects were questioned, videos were inspected with participation of two of them during which they described their actions against destruction of public property in the result of which public security was endangered.  Pursuant to data of criminal case, age group of people who have been involved in unlawful behavior is different – involving teenagers (18 year-old) as well as adults and middle-aged men (32 year-old), on the day of the incident some of them were under the influence of alcohol.

V. Barseghyan, born in 2000, R. Muradyan and Z. Baghdatyan, born in 1986 were arrested on suspicion of being involved in mass disorders.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing. Measures are taken to find all those involved in disorders and give appropriate criminal legal assessment to their actions.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.