28.08.19, 06:25

Two Persons Involved as Defendant within Criminal Case on Incident in Shengavit

Two Persons Involved as Defendant within Criminal Case on Incident in Shengavit

Preliminary investigation of the criminal case initiated on the incident that took place near the restaurant complex in Shengavit administrative district is ongoing in the Investigative Division of Shengavit administrative district of Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee. Charge was pressed against the director of the restaurant complex, search was declared against one more person.

It was earlier informed that on August 25, 2019 two residents of Yerevan, born in 1976 and 1960, with firearm injury on the left lateral part of the abdomen /clinical death/ and firearm injury of the left thigh, firearm injury on the lower third part of the right thigh bone, multi-fracture of the right thigh bone, correspondingly, were taken to “Erebuni” medical center.

In the result of necessary investigatory and other procedural actions conducted within the criminal case initiated in the RA IC Investigative Division of Shengavit administrative district of Yerevan Investigative Department a number of circumstances of the incident were found out, two persons were involved as a defendant.

On the base of the obtained evidence charge was pressed against the restaurant director according to the Part 4 of the Article 258, the Part 1 of the Article 235 and the Part 2 of the Article 332 of RA Criminal Code. A motion was submitted to court to use detention as a pretrial measure against him. One more person – a resident of Yerevan, born in 1976, was involved as a defendant according to the Part 4 of the Article 258 and the Part 1 of the Article 235 of RA Criminal Code. A motion was submitted to court to choose detention as a pretrial measure against him and search was declared.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.