04.12.15, 14:54

4 month-old child died of blunt craniocerebral injuries

4 month-old child died of blunt craniocerebral injuries

In the framework of the criminal case investigated in Aragatsotn Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee initiated on 4 month-old child’s murder it was found that the woman accused of murder of the child has some mental health problems and is socially dangerous both for herself and surrounding.

On October 15 a criminal case was initiated in Aragatsotn Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee on murder of 4 month-old baby committed in 2008 according to the Part 1 of the Article 104 of RA Criminal Code.

According to preliminary investigation data some years ago - in 2008 the 38 year-old resident of Ashtarak town struck with a stone at the head of her de facto husband’s second wife’s 4 month-old baby and killed her. In the framework of the criminal case exhumation was conducted.

Forensic medical, forensic psychological and forensic psychiatric examinations were commissioned to find the circumstances significant for the criminal case.

Through the conclusion N 98 of forensic medical examination of the body it was grounded that the child died of violence used against her. According to the result of forensic examination, blunt craniocerebral injuries were inflicted through striking the child’s head with blunt objects which caused her death.

According to the conclusion N 125 of forensic psychological and forensic psychiatric complex examination the woman accused of the child’s murder has “Dementia of unknown etiology”.  

The experts had difficulties finding out if the woman accused of the child’s murder had been sane at the moment of committing the crime pointing out the absence of objective information and any medical document. However they stated that her current mental state does not allow her to realize the danger of her actions and control them, she cannot take part in investigatory actions, and she needs compulsory treatment in psychiatric hospital. She is socially dangerous both for herself and surrounding.

On the base of the obtained evidence on December 1, 2015 the investigative body made a decision on using compulsory medical means and on the same day a motion was submitted to the court.

On December 3, 2015 the Court of First Instance of Aragatsotn sufficed the investigator’s motion and used security measure against the accused putting her in the ward of general supervision of “Nubarashen” psychiatric clinic of the RA Ministry of Health.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.