08.11.22, 12:20

4 Persons Arrested within Criminal Proceeding Initiated on Incident on Yervand Kochar Street, Yerevan

4 Persons Arrested within Criminal Proceeding Initiated on Incident on Yervand Kochar Street, Yerevan

Within the framework of the criminal proceeding investigated in the First Investigative Division of Kentron and Nork-Marash administrative districts of Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee investigative and procedural actions are conducted to find out all circumstances of the incident that took place on Yervand Kochar Street of Yerevan.

Pursuant to initial data, on November 7, 2022 at about 20:00 in the yard of one of the houses on Yervand Kochar Street a group of young men, showing obvious disrespect towards the public, hit several young men with stones and scolded. Noticing the police officers approaching them the young men got into the car of “Toyota Camry” make and tried to escape during which they drove the car in the direction of the police officers trying to run over them but the car hit the stone on the edge of the pavement and stopped.

The driver of the mentioned car – 33 year-old man and one of the passengers – 21 year-old man were immediately arrested and taken to Central Police Division, the others fled.

While being arrested 33 year-old man tried to escape and bit the police officers’ hands causing them bodily injuries.

In the result of taken measures it was found out that those involved in the incident beat 4 young men during which one of them stabbed one of the young men, the other fired a shot in an unknown direction then spoiled one of the young men’s car of “Honda” make with stones.

33 year-old and 21 year-old men were arrested on the base of reasonable suspicion on crime committal.

In order to find out the circumstances of the case the police officers met 60 year-old resident of the district adjacent to the scene and examined the videos available in his mobile phone but during that time the latter approached another resident of the same district – 50 year-old man who scolded in relation with showing the videos to the police officers. Then 60 year-old man hit the mobile phone on the ground and broke it so as the police officers could not examine the videos available in it.

A criminal proceeding was initiated in regard with this fact as well which was combined to the above-mentioned criminal proceeding to continue preliminary investigation in one proceeding.

The mentioned two men were also arrested on the base of reasonable suspicion on crime committal.

Investigative and procedural actions are conducted, necessary measures are taken to find out all circumstances of the case.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.