07.11.18, 11:47

86 Million 269 Thousand 663 AMD Restored as Damage Caused to State within Criminal Cases Initiated on Apparent Abuses by Heads and Employees of Local Self-Government Bodies (video)

From January 1 to October 31, 2018 the RA Investigative Committee continued conduction of comprehensive, objective and complete investigation of cases on corruption-related crimes in various fields.

During 10 months of 2018 178 criminal cases were initiated in the proceeding of territorial subdivisions of the RA Investigative Committee on apparent abuses committed by the heads or employees of local self-government bodies. In the result of investigation of criminal cases 86 million 269 thousand 663 AMD was restored as a damage caused to the state.

Criminal cases relate to incidents with apparent crime elements envisaged by the Articles 178, 179, 308, 314 and 325 of RA Criminal Code. 11 criminal cases out of 178 on 11 community heads were sent to court with the bill of indictment. The damage caused within the mentioned criminal cases was 36.647.100 AMD 26.919.200 AMD of which was restored.

A decision was made to terminate proceeding of 33 criminal cases 13 of which on acquitting base – on the base of absence of crime, 20 – on non-acquitting base – on the base of active repentance.

The damage within the terminated criminal cases was 13.528.963 AMD which was completely restored.

During preliminary investigation a part of the criminal cases was joined in one proceeding. Currently there are 92 criminal cases and within the mentioned criminal cases charges were pressed against 21 community heads.

Within criminal cases investigated in the proceeding of the Investigative Committee all necessary and procedural actions are conducted to restore the damage caused to the state.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.