17.12.15, 15:44

Arrested on suspicion of taking a bribe

Arrested on suspicion of taking a bribe

In the framework of the criminal case investigated in Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee the Head of Qanaqer-Zeytun Territorial Division of the RA Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs V.Gevorgyan was arrested on suspicion of taking a bribe.

On November 23, 2015 a report was received in the RA National Security Service informing that the employees of Qanaqer-Zeytun Territorial Division of the RA Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs demanded a bribe from the citizen to grant working pension.

Materials were prepared in the RA National Security Service during which operative intelligence measures were taken based on the court decision. Particularly, the conversation between the citizen and the Head of Qanaqer-Zeytun Territorial Division of the RA Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs on the arrangement on taking a bribe was recorded, then the citizen was provided with 100.000 AMD processed with special chemicals which was given to V. Gevorgyan by the citizen.

The operative-intelligence measures of imitation of giving a bribe was fixed according to which the money processed with special chemicals was found in V. Gevorgyan’s bag.

On December 3, 2015 a criminal case was initiated in the Investigative Department of the RA National Security Service according to the Part 1 of the Article 311 of RA Criminal Code.

On December 10, 2015 the criminal case was received in Yerevan Investigative Department and was accepted as a proceeding.

During preliminary investigation necessary investigatory actions were conducted to provide the comprehensive, objective and complete investigation of the case, personal cases were confiscated from the State Service of Social Security of the RA Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, a number of persons were interrogated, including employees of the State Service of Social Security, other procedural actions were conducted.

On December 16, 2015 V. Gevorgyan was arrested on suspicion of committing a crime envisaged by the Point 1 of the Part 3 of the Article 311 of RA Criminal Code. The suspect refused to give testimony.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.