07.07.21, 07:00

Banditry against Old Woman Disclosed (photos)

Banditry against Old Woman Disclosed (photos)

On 5 July, 2021 90 year-old resident of Vaghashen community of Gegharkunik province submitted a report informing that on the same day at about 12:00 her fellow-villager pulled her out of the house, hit her in the yard, tried to strangle during which he tore her golden ear-rings, golden pendant, injured her hand with a knife causing bodily injury.

A criminal case was initiated in Gegharkunik Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee according to the Point 4 of the Part 2 of the Article 175 of RA Criminal Code. The old woman was found the injured party and was questioned.

During preliminary investigation urgent investigative and other procedural actions were conducted – samples were taken, the clothes the injured and the suspect were wearing at the moment of the incident were confiscated. A number of witnesses were questioned, forensic examinations were commissioned, a part of material evidence was found.

In the result of measures taken jointly with the employees of the RA Police the resident of Vaghashen community was arrested on suspicion of committing banditry against the old woman. Through the latter’s personal search a knife, a sports cap and a medical mask were found.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing.

Measures are taken to find out all circumstances of the case, to provide the objective, complete and comprehensive investigation of the case.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.