04.08.16, 15:01

Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee received Chairman of the RA Chamber of Advocates

Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee received Chairman of the RA Chamber of Advocates

The Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Aghvan Hovsepyan today received the Chairman of the RA Chamber of Advocates Ara Zohrabyan.

At the meeting held by the initiative of the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee issues particularly on protection of procedural rights of parties of trial, participants during preliminary investigation of criminal cases investigated in the proceeding of the Investigative Committee on disorders implemented in July in the capital of Armenia were discussed. “Violations of procedural rights are not driven by interests of the investigative body. The investigator is concerned with obtaining evidence in compliance with legislative requirements which provides invulnerability”, mentioned A. Hovsepyan and highlighted the legal activity of advocates, proper legal aid provided by them to those involved in trial.

Ara Zohrabyan presented the advocates’ considerations and observations presenting the interests of their clients in the framework of criminal cases investigated in the proceeding of the Investigative Committee. Both sides highlighted the constructive activity of the advocates stating that advocates’ active involvement, as well as unhindered implementation of their professional activity contributes to provision of comprehensive and objective investigation of criminal cases.

Agreement was achieved to discuss the problems recorded during investigation by advocates society and investigative bodies in working order.