29.11.19, 05:30

Head of IC Organizational-Analytical and Criminological General Department of Special Tasks Met Representatives of a Number of Business Companies (photos)

Head of IC Organizational-Analytical and Criminological General Department of Special Tasks Met Representatives of a Number of Business Companies (photos)

By the instruction of the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Hayk Grigoryan the Head of IC Organizational-Analytical and Criminological General Department of Special Tasks Artur Melikyan met the representatives of «Dalma Invest» and «Yerevan Mall» LLC-s as well as representatives of a number of business and security companies operating in “Yerevan Mall” and “Dalma Mall” trade centers which belong to the mentioned companies. MP from the faction “Bright Armenia” of the RA National Assembly Harutyun Babayan also took part in the meeting.

The meeting was conditioned by the application addressed formerly to the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Hayk Grigoryan by the mentioned companies in which it was asked to take necessary measures to apply more stringent procedural measures against habitual offenders having committed theft in the companies. A letter of similar content was sent to the Investigative Committee by MP from the faction “Bright Armenia” of the RA National Assembly Harutyun Babayan, as well.

By the instruction of IC Chairman the criminal cases investigated on thefts committed in business companies operating in the mentioned companies starting from the day of the opening of trade centers «Yerevan Mall» and «Dalma Mall» were studied in IC Organizational-Analytical and Criminological General Department of Special Tasks, the structure and dynamics of the recorded crime were analyzed in order to prevent crimes in trade centers, to disclose possible criminal groups as well as to take rougher procedural measures, in case of necessity also to develop a package of draft of legal acts conditioned by legislative initiative.

During the meeting the Head of IC Organizational-Analytical and Criminological General Department of Special Tasks Artur Melikyan presented the results of the work done by the instruction of the IC Chairman and offered the participants to submit proposals on the work or take part in the studies conducted in the Investigative Committee.